Saturday, March 15, 2003

OK I got up like half an hr ago and went downstairs to get breakfast LOL Went bar-hoppin (or as me, L, and Fish call it, bar-whorin) and lemme just say...I drank!! I was havin a real shitty week so I said screw it all, I'm doin this for ME! LOL Forget my vow, I'm bustin this on my 6th month. But I've got magical Gravol this time so I can finally see it it'll work. And it did! No pukin! :D What sucks tho, is that I drank like a bitch and I didn't really even get drunk, so weird! I had a Zombie (a fav, lethal I know but hey) at the Fox & Fiddle and another 1 at Croc Rock. I paid almost $10 for that 1!! It was a big mutha of a drink. The chick's like, 9.50. It's loud in there so I'm like what? "9.50" "NINE fifty??" She said somethin about it bein a double shot and cuz of all the kinds of alcohol in it, so I'm like alrighty fine, didn't ask for a double shot or for such a huge ass size but whatever. They didn't even make it right either, ugh. The only place that does it right is Havana (also where I got them free and of course puked, so that was the last time before I vowed never to drink again :P). I also went huntin for the shooters girl (the chick who was walkin around sellin shots in those lil test tubes)...prettyyyy colourssss :) We were walkin down the street and before, L and G were talkin about their pact together how if they didn't have bfs by the time they were 25, they'd both get tattoos LOL I already have one and the whole mess about settin deadlines for gettin a man is just dumbass so I'm not parta that :P So we were about to reach the place where I got mine done and me bein in my silly liquored up mood, I'm like, "Let's all get tats! You know the best time to get one is when you've been drinkin!" LOL Not true of course, but I was still half playin. L's like, um no they're closed, cuz it looked kinda dark and who'd think they'd be open so late at night. We walk past the door and there's a big sign that says OPEN and we're like haaaa! LOL Now let's go! LOL Last night was fun, good times! We were stopped in the street like 4 times (not sure if those guys were drunk or not but...LOL), hollered at I dunno how many times, saw another fight on the street, and waved at twice from cars fulla all dudes :) It was too funny, tryin to drive parallel to them on the highway..."G, drive faster!!" "Now they're all the way back there, slow down!" LOL Aw man, the effort in just tryin to get G to wave back. She says she did but we didn't see nuthin so she's gotta do it again next time! :) Anyway, with all that I drank I was actually fine, I could walk and I wasn't talkin nonsense, just a bit energetic I guess. I wasn't feelin that crappy about the week anymore so I figured this would be the prime time to get hammered cuz if I drank while I was pissed or down, I'd probably feel shittier. I was feelin totally OK but I popped half a Gravol pill in the car home just in case. I usually feel fine then I wake up needin to puke later in the night so it was a precaution. I went to bed feelin like I was gonna pass out. Then of course...the nauseousness kicked in. I was still half-sleepin but I had this horrible feelin, and it was like I couldn't breathe. Like usual, it was so bad that it woke me up. I open my eyes and it's 6 in the morning. I'm like aw crap, I think I just might puke after all. Thought I was gonna say the same ol, I swear I'm NEVER drinkin again. This does it for real this time! But I dashed to my Gravol and popped the other half and went to the bathroom, I see the toilet and I'm like, I think I'm gonna use you after all. Just the sight of it and all those bad bad memories came back LOL So I'm like, no! I won't throw up this time! I went back to bed, but not before takin another whole pill cuz the nauseousness wasn't goin away and I wouldn't be able to sleep. But I thought I shouldn't lie back down til the pill made its way down LOL so I just sat but I was so sleepy. Can't fall asleep...gotta give the meds time...but soooo tiiiiired LOL It was all good tho cuz it went away and I never did puke :) I think I woke up drunker than I was the night before LOL My stomach was feelin weird and I was kinda shakin. Didn't know where I was or what day it was when I first woke up. I'm surprised I remembered all this happened :P And since this worked, I'm gonna do it again tonight :D I DIDN'T PUKE! I can drink again!! LOL I lasted 6 months...without really drinkin...but still goin without throwin up. Ahh life is better now ;)


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