Friday, March 14, 2003

I'm alright now cuz I went out tonight but yesterday OMG!! I was PISSED! I don't think I can come up with enough swear words to cover it all. Where do I friggin start? K I tried to get that damn essay done but I knew it'd take me a while so I figured I'd miss class but hand it in before it was over at 10. Of courrrrrse not. I was doin this thing til 3 am the night before, plus I had art class to deal with too esp since I didn't go last week...mama wasn't gettin no sleep. So I've got my essay on disk and I'm in the library typin it up but it's not savin what I'm writin, somethin about file permission error. I'm like wtf? I'm kinda freaked out that somethin might happen and kill my work before I get to print it so then I'd be really screwed. So I go to the science library to do it there and I get the same shit. Then the comp decides to do some freaky shit like freezin in the middle of my typin and I'm like ohhhh no you're fuckin not! If it's frozen and I gotta shut it down, I lose all my work and I'd be stuck with nuthin. So I'm shittin bricks, but it's not frozen it's just doin somethin weird, like it takes a min to type 1 letter or click on 1 button so it's takin FOREVER to type. I'm like bitchfuck! Why???? At this rate, there's no way in hell I'd get this essay done in time so I gotta save what I had to disk and try the other comp. But my disk is messed or somethin, what to do? I was gettin desperate and the man who's supposed to be at the help desk isn't there, of all times! I asked the guy behind me, "Excuse me, you know anythin about computers?"..."What's this mean?" pointin to the error msg it's givin me. He was no help so I went lookin around for someone who had a disk they could lend me. I looked beside me and somebody musta left theirs behind cuz it had their name on it and I'm like, nah I can't do that. What if this person comes back and sees it's gone and I can't tell them I took it! Then I'm like debating with myself cuz I don't really have a lotta choice at this point. But I didn't use it. The computer building was right next door so I went around there lookin for one of those vending machines with floppy disks (I'm like, that's great I'm gonna break my 10 bill to buy a stupid disk) but I couldn't find one either...what IS this?? I go back to the library and look around the help desk to see if they got spare ones lyin around (I dunno!). But there actually were! There were a few in a pile and they all had labels on them so I'm like, crap these probably belong to other ppl too and they were left behind or somethin. But I'm all, I don't care I'm in a crisis and these ppl aren't here so it's OK! LOL I pretty much stole somebody's disk, sad. So I tried that and it looked like it worked but I moved to the other comp and it was still givin me the error shit. THAT'S GREAT. And THIS comp is doin the half-freezin BS too! ARGH! I figure it's OK, just don't accidentally press Exit or reboot or whatever, just type it out and print and it'll be fine. By this time, it's almost 10 and I'm still doin the conclusion and I figure I won't get done cuz I still hafta finish this up, print 10 pages worth, run to the other library to staple them, and run to class so the class'll be done and the prof woulda probably have left. SO I'm just, fuck it, I'm not doin this shit no more and I'll hand it in late. And this class is super harsh, if you don't hand work in personally in hard copy form the day it's due, the prof only takes late stuff by the week and it's 15% each week. Ouch. But not like I can do anythin so guess I'm gonna hafta take it. So I haven't been to this class in 2 weeks plus I got a late essay worth 40% still to do. Oh but here's the best part, I tried the disk on my comp at home and there's NO FILE *scream* WTF WTF WTF??!? Apparently, my damn comp didn't save any of it at all so that was why it wasn't savin anythin cuz there was no name under that and basically no file existin to save it to. I dunno whether to laugh or cry...or murder. After all that, I now don't even have whatever I had before to work on and gotta start from scratch?? But thank god I had saved it on the comp under the Word documents cuz I'd be royally screwed. So I got somethin to work with at least. And that was that. Maybe it's better, since I can actually put thinkin into it and get a decent mark...well I'd have to, since I hafta get a 75 to get at least a C paper :( But ya know what? I don't care anymore, I'm not dealin with this thing til like Sun.


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