Thursday, March 27, 2003

Wednesdays are sooooo long! Today was just messed up tho. Had to make it downtown for a gallery trip for class, by myself by PUBLIC TRANSIT to god knows where. I planned out how I was gonna get there and it looked alright, gave myself about 2 hrs time. I had to take the bus, the RT, the subway, then another bus, holy crap. Middle of frickin nowhere...road signs, ppl! I had to bust out my map every 2 mins. It looked like I was gonna be half an hr early but I ended up walkin totally the wrong way and got there barely in time. LOTS of walkin today, good times! But go me, went on routes I've never been before and came back in 1 piece. Hadn't seen that area in my life, looked kinda like San Francisco the way the streets and houses were. I still had night class to go to so I had to trek straight from the gallery to school...took a bus, the subway, and again another bus. Wasn't sure where the fuck I was goin. I was about to walk all the way back to the subway station, I'm like walkin's good for you, fresh air, gettin exercise. But I ended up takin it along the way anyway and I realized how much further it was if I had walked. Thank goodness I didn't! It was stupid windy too, I had freezin hands all day...gloves dammit gloves! And of course I had mad wind hair :P Niiice. So after all that damn public transportation and walkin outside, I still had 3 more hrs of class to get thru. I DO get stress, I do!


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