Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Well it's April now. Just got over another assignment today. I frickin printed out my paper while class was goin on LOL Probably shouldn't have gone out the night bad! It wasn't for long tho! And I needed L and G to help me with my reading cuz I didn't know wtf it was talkin about. God that class makes me feel dumb as shit LOL I'll take art history over theory and concepts any damn day. Boring but hey at least I get it. Even L couldn't tell what the hell the article was about. She was like, the fuck is this shit?? I'm like, I know! That's why it's taken me 2 days to read these fuckin 4 pages! Tiny ass print too! So I didn't get my paper done that night or this morning. I scrapped the idea of goin back to G's to print it cuz it's the same old 'drive to her house, print, drive back to my house, leave the car, walk to the bus stop and get to school' crap. Plus I was gonna be late. So I figured I'd just go and print at school in the middle of class. We're all supposed to be talkin about them in groups and I don't even have mine on me :P But I jetted out to the library to do it while they weren't really talkin about anythin. But when I was walkin back, I saw some ppl from class and I'm like no way they're out already. The prof had said they'd skip the break, talk about the exam and break early but I wasn't even gone 15 mins! So my stuff was still in class and everybody had left so I had to go find her office and give it to her. Had to act like I forgot it somewhere or somethin...I had an excuse all ready in case I had to justify myself LOL "Had printer probs ALL day...had to wait for a friend to get it done (hence me still makin it to class without it, why else would I be there if I wasn't done my work? LOL) and go pick it up." I'm so good at this kinda thing. Now why can't there be a career outta that? cuz THAT, my friends, is SKILLZ.
Anyhoo, I still have like 2 hrs to kill right now. I'm tired...but that's 1 less school thing to stress about outta the way. Now all I hafta worry about this week is my essay due Fri. Mama ain't gettin no sleep til after April 16.
Oh yeah, this Avril concert tix thing is drivin me insane. There's a seat here, there's a seat there, they're crappy seats, there's still no one to go with me, now there's NO seats, grrrrr. Guess I'll have to cut it close and get whatever they have when Wed comes around.


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