Friday, April 11, 2003

Agh, I hate exam time. This week is killin me. Yeaaaah, I so shoulda studied more for my exam today LOL I was gonna cheat too :P Shhhhh! Coulda got away with it too but I figured since I didn't know my shit, I'd own up to it and get whatever mark I was gonna get. I don't think I did too bad but this class is like the ONLY class I think I'd ever get an A in...we'll see after this exam. I took the whole 3 hr alloted time and I still didn't finish properly LOL I blame it on my lack of sleep again. You'd think I'd learn :P 3 hrs doesn't do a lotta good. Probably why my brain shut down. That's OK, the important thing is it's over LOL So 5:00 was the big hr...Justin tix went on sale. OMG me and Meen were online together tryin to score tix for like 2 HRS. I won't get too much into it but damn, drama stress stress drama! Bottom line, I gots me some tickets baby! BOOYAH! Yes yes I is goin to the show like I said I would :D Too bad they changed the date to when I'd have summer school...means I gotta skip that class ;)
And now I hafta study for my exam tomorrowwwww :( On a SATURDAY. At least this 8:30 am BS is done with. Maybe I can get some sleep today. Maybe I shouldn't go out today LOL


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