Sunday, April 06, 2003

Where should I start, kids? I think I should break up my lil stories of the weekend so far into separate ones since there's a lotta them and they're gonna be pretty long! :P Can you say fucked up?

So Fri, got my 15 pager social science essay due...guess what I'm doin at 3 am? That's right, still doin the paper. I dunno how much more I can emphasize that I hate and cannot do essays! Well I finally give it up at about 4 or so and I go to bed at 5. I was debatin whether my plan would be to either wake up early and finish it at home or wake up early and get to school early and finish it in the library. Either way I had class to go to still. So I get a whole 2-3 hrs sleep by gettin up at 7 or 8 (I don't even remember, I was in such a daze) and I'm typin away again. I work til 11 somethin, I'm late for my 12:30 tutorial class, still need to print it. Then of course my stupid disks are givin me grief with all this formattin and read only and savin probs BS. So I gotta sort that out, put it on a disk, send an email attachment to myself just in case and print it when they break durin class. I figure as long as I show up at all to hand in the essay, s'all good. No. Cuz of my runnin late and the damn weather (it's April and there's fuckin SNOW outside...snow! Freezin rain and hail and all that good shit came outta nowhere), I didn't get to school in time and totally missed class. I looked and everybody was gone. I'm like fuckin hell, there better be lecture later today cuz then I'd hafta hunt down my TA, which I never succeed in, and would be stuck with what to do with my essay. So I'm tryin to figure if I should still print it out and spend more print money or find out if there's even class so I wouldn't have to. Maybe I could email it if I still don't see my TA. So I've got an hr to kill before seein if there's lecture. I returned my heavy ass library books that I had to lug around all that time and did some email. Al's back! I'll talk more about that later :P Anyway, so turns out there's class but it's not a formal lecture cuz it's review and there's like no more than 10 ppl there. But 1 of them was Ax :)

I was just thinkin the other week that I hadn't seen him in like a month or whatever. That boy does not go to class! LOL I saw him once in the library from the back and was like, where has that punk been? :P But he was too far to say hey and I wasn't gonna yell cuz it was in the library. I was thinkin about goin after him but then I was like um no, that's kinda stalker-ish LOL cuz I'd be followin him when he doesn't know. Anywaaay, so I got to talk to him in class. The TA was there and ppl who missed tutorial were handin in their papers and I didn't want the same thing to happen like in art class where I'd come back from printin and class would be done so I told him I'd just go and print it and be right back. But he said I could email it so I'm like, really? OK (my TA's a young guy and he's pretty chill...I can't believe I actually said, "Oh so it's cool I just email it to you?" Just slipped out cuz it's the way I talk I guess but it woulda been so weird if I said that to my other old white-haired profs :P) Anyhoo, so I coulda stayed my ass home and just emailed that bitch in if I wanted to. I never know if they're gonna be tightass about hard copies or emails so why didn't he just say so before? I made myself feel better by sayin at least I brought my library books that were due back and got to hang with Ax :P Good thing I didn't end up printin it :) Saved some money...and trees LOL So after class we went back to the library cuz he had to meet his friend and I was gonna do some comp shit. We got to talkin about summer school and he's goin too. Turns out he's takin the photography class that I was thinkin of takin. I'm like, hmmm maybe I SHOULD take it LOL But then I'd be goin to school 4 days a week with my other courses and that's a bit much. Plus, that's like the max course load of 18 credits just in the summer, kinda overdoin it so nah. Dammit, that woulda been sweet...Ax in 1 class, Tony in the other. Summer school wouldn't be all that bad at all! ;) Just playin. So he went off to look for his friend and he said he'd come back to chill with me later since he had to wait for like 2 hrs til he could leave. Ahhh good day, good day! LOL Even tho I had about like 60 secs to do my hair that morning and I had red eyes from lack of sleep (probably not a smart idea to wear contacts like that either but oh well, I just can't deal with glasses no more...esp with it bein cold out, they'd fog up when I got indoors). Can't believe I let him see me lookin like sheeyat :P

So I'm bussin it back home and G and L call me wantin to do somethin. It's like 6 pm and I'd been up since 8 and all I was plannin to do that night was sleep. Tho I was surprisingly not conkin out all day. Since my brain was still goin, I was like fine whatcha wanna do? The roads were still nasty and we weren't feelin up for much so we were just gonna chill at somebody's house and figure out plans later. They told me to get off at the stop near Timmy's and they'd pick me up from there. We went to my place and spent like a good hr just sittin there and eatin, tryin to think of somethin to do. God, there WAS nuthin to do around here...nuthin we haven't done already anyway. Ended up goin to Blockbuster and Wallymart for some movie grub. Got The Ring and Maid in Manhatten. The Ring wasn't even scary at all. It was alright tho, like weird freaky. Maybe I'm kinda slow or I just got no imagination but I was like either meh whatever, scare me already! or huh? wtf just happened, I have no idea what's goin on LOL Oh yeah, it wasn't my idea to get Maid in Manhatten so I didn't watch it. Not too into J. Ho as L calls her LOL Esp since Jenny from the Block...I mean come on, that song's totally bitin Beatnuts' joint Watch Out Now. Is there nuthin that woman doesn't sample?? OK I'm goin off again...anyway so we're at G's house and we're messin around on the comp and I was on MSN chattin to Court and Em and L decides to rudely interrupt and starts fuckin around on it. She's like I wanna talk to them and I'm like, you don't even know these ppl you ass. Swear to god, she was outta her friggin mind, the shit was she was writin! And I'm like wtf are you doin and she's FIGHTIN me for the keyboard! So now I look like A) a total schizo (ie. hi...*smiley face* *smiley face* *cryin face*...hi...hi...hi!....OK this is me now, for real, ignore that shit...haha no THIS is me! fuckin friend is screwin with it, it's not me!, etc etc), B) a completely tanked drunkard, C) a pervy dirty girl (you don't wanna know what L was sayin), or D) all of the above. Holy crap, man. Oh and before that, me, Sarah, G were on the bed watchin the movie and L and Heather are on the couch. Sarah's beside me and she's eatin yogurt and we were laughin at somethin, G's like doublin over and knocks Sarah to the left and she spills her friggin yogurt on my jeans! So I got a big WHITE stain on my thigh, that's greaaaaat. I'm like, you bitches are lucky we're stayin in and no one's gonna see me like this. How's that gonna look? "It's yogurt, I swear!" Geeez. I wasn't gonna let G put my jeans in the laundry cuz after that I just didn't trust her, she'd probably fuck them up even more :P

OK, Al...I was on MSN and talkin to Pris and she said she emailed Al and said that she'd be comin from HK early. I was like when? She's like, next week or somethin. Crazy, she said she'd be over there til May. Her school's bringin ppl back just to be safe. 1 word I'm sicka hearin about besides war is SARS. Shit, ppl are gettin so freaked out paranoid it's messed up. I'm not even gonna comment on it, it's nuts. So when Al's back, she'll be in quaratine for about a week. Guess there's not gonna be any welcome-home hugs for a while! But at least, she's home :) Can't believe it's been 4 months since she left. Now she can take back that hedgehog of hers! LOL It's perfect timin tho...we're gonna party it up when we're all done exams and shit and she'll be outta quaratine. Whew, so that's about it. I think this blogger stuff is like therapy to me.


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