Thursday, April 10, 2003

Freakin insane...that'll sum up the past 3 days. Studyin on Mon, and Tues was STRESS. Lemme try to make that one short. Less than 4 hrs sleep, got up at 6 somethin for my exam at 9. Almost got late, dunno how. Blanked on a buncha stuff on the test, needed more time to do it, was the last person to finish. So mad at myself, I knew this shit...couldn't even think of a word I wanted to use to describe a painting...not the same on both sides, imbalance, starts with an a, that word that we always make fun of G of about all her shirts...assymetrical! DAMN! Remembered it later on the way home of course. Had to stay at school til at least 4:30 for the film essay deadline. Was in the library doin it after I did the exam. Had 6 hrs to do it, no prob. Actually finished with time to go til the printer decided right then to fuck up. Ohhhhh shit no. Already paid for my print job but it wasn't comin out. Library ppl were fuckin useless, tech guy already went home, looked like I was screwed. Buncha other ppl were tryin to get their stuff printed too, couple doin the same essay due. 4:30, somebody finally got the printer workin and I got my papers, ran across campus to get it to the prof's office in time. Was a few mins late, saw the girl whose paper was also parta the messed up printer chaos just came down from runnin upstairs too, door was locked, figured it still wasn't too late and put it under the door anyway. Had checked the Ticketmaster website for Avril tix while I was doin the essay. Saw some seats they put up, score! Called G to buy them for me online. Cell phone battery crapped out, had change for only 2 calls. Spazzed about losin the tix, still had to decide whether to get 1 or 2 and go by myself or had to find SOMEBODY to go with me. Had asked everybody for weeks...friends all useless bastards...wouldn't go or were workin that night. Called Meen on pay phone (was 1 of my last hopes, it was her bday the next day and wouldn't know if she was gonna do somethin that night with her bf or family but would get back to me), sis said she was in shower, couldn't exactly call me with my cell dead. Said ah screw. Looked up tix again and saw they still had some. Called G again later, got her to call Meen on her cell, she still didn't know for sure. Begged and pleaded with G again as 1 last desperate attempt. Actually convinced her to go. The fool grudgingly said OK then realized she was workin that night. I gave it up and went back to my essay. Fun day that was. Fell asleep on the bus, had some crazy violent muscle spasm and jerked awake. At least a few ppl saw. Got embarassed as hell. Concert tix gone by the time I got home.

Couldn't wait to get that day over with. Slept and was glad to have a couple days off til my next exam. Al's back home, all quarantined til next week tho. Can't go see her til I'm done with exams...unless we're talkin against her window LOL Got to talk to her on the phone for a couple hrs tho. I even thought about bustin her out and riskin infectin myself and the entire population with potential SARS just so I could have somebody to go with me to the Avril show LOL OK Wed...I was determined to get tix, you don't even understand how I get when I say I'm gonna do somethin cuz I'ma get it done. Meen called me and said she might be able to make it but it wouldn't look good. Show started at 7. I even asked my sis, last resort :P Meen called me back and said she'd come but she had to do dinner and should be out by about 8. No biggie since there'd be openers and we didn't care about them. Came up with a plan...see if there's tix still up, figure out how to get them, figure out how to meet up. Sold out show, my ass. They put out a bunch, I could even get 3 together if I wanted. But they were some weirdo seats I've never heard of and weren't on the seatin chart. Figured I'd ask the Ticketmaster ppl to show me. Went down to the mall and bought the tix with cash. Apparently they had no idea where the seats were either but hey I'll take them. Some kinda box seats along the sides. Called Meen to say I got tix, she'd meet me downtown at the venue. I took the subway down and would check out which gate to go into and how the seats were and tell her when she got there. By this time it was 8. I'm like I'm sure the openers wouldn't take more than 2 hrs, we might miss some of the show. I was inside so I'd hafta be able to hear my cell or come out in half an hr to give Meen her ticket. ACC's a sweet place! Had to take the elevator up to the gondola seatin, couldn't see no seat numbers. They made extra space by addin the balcony area and puttin foldin chairs up along the edges. Pretty decent view! Hardly anybody was sittin there so I figured it didn't matter what our seats were, if the ppl who were supposed to be sittin there came, just up and leave and go somewhere else. Meen was still on her way but I told her the openers weren't even done yet so it was all good. It was a quarter to 9 and we missed nuthin LOL Had to go back down to give her her ticket and we went to go find our real seats. Asked some usher guy and he took us to the freakin boxes, like where the rich ppl sit for sports games! But then it was a concert and the view wasn't the same. It was still alright but this row of speakers hangin from the ceilin was kinda in the way and we'd be lookin down on the stage, like almost the top of Avril's head. We went to the other side and looked for empty seats and how the view was from those. There were a buncha prime places so we'd pick and choose the better ones when the show went on. There was a whole empty row on the other side where it was a wicked view but the security guy saw us and made us go. Then Meen had the smart idea to show our tix and ask where the seats were so he knew we were totally in the wrong place. What a concert amateur, at least pretend like we didn't know how the numbers worked, geez :P But what the hell anyway, there was NOBODY there, like it'd kill somebody if 2 ppl who already paid for their tix to sit there. We were standin there watchin her openin song and we couldn't even be there for 2 mins. I'm like, dude you're makin us miss Sk8r Boi! We went all around, sat in the other boxes, the sweet edge seats, the gondola seats below us :P Besides that 1 guy, there's was like no usher ppl around to say anythin. Or they didn't care enough, or they couldn't tell esp since it was dark up there. The floor was general admission so there were no seats, just ppl standin like a big mosh pit and the whole back end of the floor was empty so I'm like wtf, how can you say it's sold out if there's no set number of seats down there but just a sea of ppl mashed up against eachother. K I know they can't fill up the floor cuz of safety reasons but what, you can let in like 1000 but not 1002, what's me and 1 other person gonna do? Retarded. Anyway, for some reason the ppl sittin down the row from us in the same box were gone and we moved over there cuz the angle was a bit better. So we sat there the resta the show. I sat on the counter part thingy and leanin back with my arm on the drink ledge so I was like I was loungin at home :P There was a lil glass boundary thing to keep you and your stuff from fallin on ppl below but if I leaned out anymore, I'd be on the lower level LOL Good show :) I made a convert outta Meen LOL She liked Avril OK before but now she's a fan. I told her she was good live, didn't listen to me...who was right again? I totally made her bday LOL Jokes, I love her even more cuz she came out with me even tho I'm supposed to be the one makin it like I did somethin for her :P Tho whoever came up with the set list needs some help. Crappy way to end a concert and everybody knows you're supposed to close with your biggest hit, derrrr. The main point is I got to see the show. I said I would and dammit I DID! :) BOOYAH! Now I hafta do the Justin show that all of a sudden has tix up for sale tomorrow. All these weeks I've been waitin so I can have the money for it and pay before I spend it, checkin all the time on Ticketmaster, then bam. I'm just hearin about it the other day, and it's about $100 dollars, wristbands and all that shit. Son of a bitch. That's OK, this kinda thing, I am tha masta! ;)


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