Saturday, April 26, 2003

SO tiiiiired. But I guess that's whatcha get when you go to bed at 5 am heehee. Busy days of fun (finally!) so far...went out to dinner with Al, J, Chris, and Pris at East Side Mario's on Thurs. It was good to be out with them cuz I haven't seen them in a while with all of us together...with J's newfound lactose intolerance and Al's HK fashion stories LOL We went to the movies but couldn't all decide on a movie and we spent the longest time tryin to figure out what else to do, bowling or pool or rentin a movie etc, so we just went back to Al's. She bought a buncha new toys in HK like a new Mac laptop, a digital camera, and bootleg DVDs :P
Last night me, G, and L hit G Spot. Always hype times there, except we got there like not even 5 mins after 12 so we missed out the ladies free biz and had to pay $10 cover. I was like, that's crap! I told L she should talked up the bouncer when we were showin him our IDs cuz he was like, shoulda came here earlier it's ladies free before midnight. And we shoulda been all, come on, it's only been 5 mins, PLEASE? We'll come here every week! And do all that female sweet talk and let us fly without cover :P But of course, L was too chicken shit retarded to do it. OMG there was some total weedhead in line behind me tryin to pick me up! Holy crap, that guy was kinda scary. He was wasted high and his eyes showed it. I just hear an 'excuse me' and I turn around, see him and go greaaat. He goes on askin me about if I wanted to be his date for the night and I'm just kinda laughin and say no that's OK! and secretly prayin that he won't do somethin or start shit. So I'm tryin to ignore him and pretend like I don't hear him a couple times and he goes so do you have a bf? I'm like, well I'm with somebody. He goes, oh I know you're with your gfs and stuff tonight but I mean like honestly do you have a man in your life or whatever? I'm just, craaaap...then in a nice tone so he won't think about stalkin me later, "Maybe!" Sometimes I'm not sure whether to say yes cuz then they'd be like well where he at and why isn't he with you tonight or think they could be better than this imaginary bf, or whether to say no cuz then if they know you're single, they'd hit on you for sure. Anyway so then he says, well maybe I could be that guy tonight! I'm like, haha, yeaaaaaah....OMG, girls get the fuck inside! I was buggin that I'd see the same guy while we were in there. I'm like, yo if you see that guy we're jettin the other way.
So more guys durin the course of that night :P Some dude was makin his way thru the floor and he was near me and I could tell he was gonna stop at me cuz I kinda looked up and was dancin. I'm just like, well here we go LOL Sure nuff he started to dance with me. What I could see he was pretty alright lookin LOL But damn, I don't think I've ever been fondled so much by 1 person at a club :P Hands hands! The guy was behind and all over me, even puttin his hands in my front pockets...relaxed dress code, that means jeans for me ;) I'm like, whoa get outta there buddy LOL L had a buncha boys that night! LOL All of them friggin hilarious...all of them NASTY! Even got 2 at a time at 1 point. She was like aaaah! Get me outta here! LOL G had 1 for a change, but of course she totally dissed him off like she's never even SEEN a guy before. I'm tellin ya, dunno what is up with that girl. The things she does sometimes, wtf is she thinkin. He was just said a sentence or 2, not touchin her or bein nasty comin onto her and she turned away and huddled towards us. THAT was rude ass LOL I know she's like that cuz she's shy and has like, never talked to guys if it wasn't for us but still, damn. She was actin like he was some scary uglyass man which he wasn't. She was leanin into L, goin switch places switch places! My lord, it was funny but at the same time I wanted to smack the retardedness outta her. It was as if she was freaked for her life cuz then she was like, let's go let's go let's leave...honestly. She was pullin the same shit when we were drivin home. The effort to just get her to wave to a car fulla guys! Hey, I try to get her to come outta her shell and push her a bit more towards landin that bf she's always bitchin about but I think it's hopeless *sigh* But it was still good times, playin with the Corolla boys on the highway :) Me and L were like, how about we do the 'call me' hand sign to the one that kept wavin back and I'm like, wait I'd be like yeah call me...with no number! They'd think I was a dumbass LOL I said I'd do that if she gave them the fuckface LOL So obviously we didn't do neither!
Today me and L went on a mad shoppin trip...more like browsin cuz we didn't really find anythin even tho I was so bent on gettin some clothes. After goin runnin one day and clubbin with bitch boots on all night the next, walkin all around Eaton Centre and up and down Queen St. KILLED my legs. I was agonizin about my shin splits all day :P Anyway, looks like I be waitin for Meen to call about what we're doin tonight for her bday thing if anythin. I'm like, dammit don't gimme this last min biz...I don't wait for nobody! LOL If we are doin somethin, we be hittin Indian Motorcycle which is cool cuz we haven't been there in a long time and she's never been. Woooo! Party weekend! I love it...even tho I can't really walk :P


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