Friday, May 23, 2003

Know what I noticed? My prof wears the same black jeans every single class...that's how bored I am, for me to realize this...lookin at the man's pants. But I mean my god, change your wardrobe just sometimes at least!
So big Ruben won American Idol. I figured he'd win...Clay just didn't do it for me LOL They both sing amazing but Clay was kinda too theatre-ish. But then again, I haven't really watched much this yr...kinda boring, no one I cared about really...esp no hot boys, in the finals anyway :P
I think it's random thought blog today. We're supposed to hit up Afterlife tonight for G's friend/coworker's friend who works there or somethin cuz he's throwin a jam. After Sun, we're gonna get G to DANCE! LOL Oh yes. Oh yeah tonight's also the hs reunion thing. Hope we get to catch some peeps before or after it, and before we jet downtown. I wanna see everybody while they're in town for the weekend I guess...for free! None of this $10 bs just to see the ol crew :P And speakin of Sun, Angie just dropped a friggin bomb and emailed everyone that she landed a job in frickin JAPAN and leavin by June. What the?? OK so apparently another one's gonna be leavin us and we're not gonna see her in a damn while! Aw what're we gonna do without Angieeeeeee? So we're goin out to dinner for 1 last time. Agh, what is this? I don't like this...change LOL Not into the growth, maturin, real world life thing...scary! I will still be in school doin my last yr...oh and I gotta get that job too :P *sigh* I think I'm in a weird space. 1 of those days again I somethin's missin. [Therapy mode here] I feel...somewhat incomplete LOL Like I'm not whole. And I was havin such a bombass weekend last week too! What happened? LOL Can someone say bipolar or somethin? And it's just gonna nag and nag and nag at me, and I'll be thinkin about crap when I go to bed and I won't be able to sleep....blah! Good thing we're goin out tonight...seems to help...unless it sucks!


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