Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Had me a sweet fuckin weekend!! Ended up goin to London for a couple days, went clubbin the day I got home, and saw Matrix 2 :) For not really goin anywhere, this was some bumpin long weekend. Left Fri night for London...missed my 6:30 bus so I had to catch the 8:30 and ended up gettin there kinda late, 2 hr trip and all. OMG I didn't bring a CD player and I had nuthin to read so I was goin outta my mind bored the whole ride. The ride back was in the day and it didn't seem as long so it was probably bad cuz it was at night...nuthin to even look at out the window but pure dark.
So Fri was apparently a house party...wasted ppl...smokin up...good times! Dude puked, threw 2 rolls of tp in the toilet, flipped over the railin on the stairs, mud all over the floors, table got knocked over, some vase/bowl thing got broken, got my drink spilled on my jeans. Crazy. Sat was chillin in the day, gettin some food, etc and goin out to the bars at night. Dancin, drinkin, foosball, walkin a damn while/takin a cab home with 6 crammed in/runnin thru parkin lots and jumpin over concrete barriers like hurdles :P We were watchin The Ring when everyone started fallin asleep (it WAS almost 5 am) and I somehow ended up sleepin on the couch downstairs cuz they were so many ppl over.
In the morning, everyone had gotten up already and the house was empty and I'm like errr?? Where am I? cuz no one was home and I didn't know they all went out for breakfast LOL Brought me back somethin tho :) So it's Sun and I'm lookin to head back home and we're checkin what time the buses rolled out. The website said there was only 1 that day and it was at like 7 am. I'm like no fuckin way, that's messed up. I know it's the long weekend and it's Sun but just 1 bus, and it was already gone?? That'd mean I'd be stayin til Mon and even then, there was only 1 bus friggin 7! But we checked my schedule thingy that I got from the Greyhound guy and there were way more, dunno. So we hauled ass to make it for the 12 bus cuz the resta them were hittin the beach place. Yeaaaah we missed that bus too so we came back to the house and waited for about an hr then drove me back for the next one.
Whenever I'm sleepin over away from home, I feel like totally trashed when I get up or I'm goin home. Probably cuz of all the drinkin, stayin up, sleepin late, smokin, and messin around :P All my clothes in my bag smelled like ass LOL Laundry! Was kinda tired so I just chilled on Sun, watchin all my shows that I missed. Then we went out clubbin that night LOL
Didn't know where we were goin so we just walked for whatever looked good cuz I don't think we've ever gone clubbin on a Sun. But thanks to the holiday Mon, we could :) L knows Arthur, who's the manager of Havana so we get hookups. We hadn't seen him in a while and weren't sure if Havana was even still open cuz it looked closed on Fri. But it was goin on, which was sweet cuz their Sun nights are the best. He wasn't at the door but we got in pretty quick and we paid cover but it was alright cuz we saw him later and got free drinks :D I LOVE him! LOL It's so fuckin hype to just walk into a spot in front of everyone else, pay nuthin, and get your drinks covered...makes you feel like you're tha shit :D Fun night, except for when I got a goddamn cig burn on my finger, ouchies. Me and L were talkin and we both moved our hands and I was holdin my cig and we hit eachother. Not only did we both burn ourselves, she made me drop my friggin cig dammit....bitch! LOL It was hurtin the whole night so I was tryin to ice it with my drink cuz I couldn't see in the dark. So now I got a blister. But that's the only bad part about the last 4 days.
Walkin back to the car after, I slapped some dude's ass cuz he was tryin to get somebody to cuz he was stickin it out whenever ppl walked by so I'm like, fiiiine I'LL do it! LOL Some more guys hollarin, doin the ol 'where you goin? Where YOU goin?' thing LOL Had some nice convo across the street with 1 dude walkin by himself about debt cuz I guess he heard us talkin about credit cards and havin jobs but no money LOL Man, I lost my voice that night too, yellin so much. We actually got G to bust it! :D Probably helped that both me and L were drinkin. So I sounded like a 13 yr old boy goin thru puberty, they were gettin me to sing walkin down the street cuz my voice was so messed up. Now that's how ya know it was some damn good times!
Saw Matrix 2 on Mon. It wasn't as good as I thought it'd be, probably cuz I had such big expectations. I have the 1st movie plus I love Keanu so that's maybe why it could never live up to it :P Really nice fight scenes and stuff but it was basically like an added 2 hrs of the 1st one and not much more story. But it was still alright.
Then it was back to school tonight...more boring shit. I gotta start to do the readings :P The main reason why I even go to class is to catch the films and cuz the prof has an attendance sign-in sheet, but I somehow fell asleep near the end of the movie and missed whatever happened so I'm not sure what the whole thing was about. Damn.


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