Saturday, May 24, 2003

Well Afterlife wasn't all that. I mean it was alright but nuttin special. Last night it was shit-ass weather...rainin ALL night! Horrible. Of course I wasn't gonna be takin no umbrella with me into a club and my jacket didn't have a hood but I was NOT about to get rain hair before I even started gettin club hair LOL so I'm there walkin in the fuckin rain holdin my jacket over my head...and I'm wearin a tank top! I was gettin cold, my arms were wet and tired, plus I couldn't fit my cigs in my pockets cuz of all the other shit in them so I had to hold those in my hand too. When we got there, there was nobody in line so we're like, sweet no frickin waitin out in this crap. The chick asked if we were on guest list and we're like no but she just shrugged and was like ok go on in. For a sec I thought we were screwed...I KNEW this was gonna happen, figured G wouldn't put us on guest list cuz it's a private party thing and then we'd be turned away and that'd look like shit. Always be sure and extra careful when G's involved LOL I forgot that it used to be Limelight and we were really confused with all the stairs and rooms even tho we'd been there before a few yrs ago. So the security guy points us to the cover window and we're like um ok. The chick's like, 10 dollars and we're like wtf it's before 11, we're free. And of course G's a dumbass and has no idea what's goin on with her friend's jam thing and hadn't occurred to her to ask about it beforehand. OMG I was gonna kick that girl's booty she was bein an airhead. So I dunno what they said to eachother but we didn't end up payin and went upstairs. Her friend was up there and we got stamped. Had no idea how this system of theirs worked, there was some upstairs, downstairs, middle, VIP thing goin on and ppl were comin and goin outta nowhere. I'm like L, wtf, where did those ppl come from behind the wall there?? Doors and stairs goin everywhere like a friggin maze. But at the end of the night, we were like ohhhh, got it now LOL Cuz apparently we were VIP and that's why some ppl were bein turned away from goin upstairs and had to show the bouncer guys their stamps when they went down and wanted to come back up. We were just like, oh did you hafta be special to be up here? This is nuthin LOL The bouncer was about to stop us when we were goin back up and we stuck out our hands to show our stamps and we're like BAM! Stamped, baby! And he backed the hell up LOL Yeah that's right, we're goin upstairs! :D So now I get their lil concept...downstairs where the dance floor is Underworld, the middle floor where you can watch ppl is Limbo, and upstairs is Paradise which is the VIP lounge...afterlife....ahhhhh, smart LOL Paradise is sweet, I want it as a part of my apartment LOL The club looks way better than the shithole it was before but it's still kinda small and it's just OK. Some promotions guy took our pic and it'll be on their website...I better not look like shit! Oh and their shooters girl is damn good. She somehow gets everybody to buy. She came us to us like 5 times (I'm pretty sure she didn't know cuz how're you supposed to tell if you've already asked the same ppl outta everybody in the whole place) and like the 2nd time, we were like that's OK and she kept sellin it and we're like alright fiiiine LOL I had no idea what I was gettin, I think she said it was zambuca? She didn't even know some of the stuff she had LOL L had a lemonball. $5 and it was like juice or somethin. I at least expect some burnage LOL Then like the 4th time she came around again and we said nah, she was like oh yeah, you guys had already! I'm like, L I betcha we'll be asked at least a 6th time and we were but by some other chick LOL No dammit, we already had!!
In the middle, we were kinda gettin bored up in the lounge and we were thinkin of hittin Joe or somethin. G and her smack talk about never goin there again, I tell ya. But anyhow there'd be a line and we'd wait out in the rain, not happenin. So we stuck around for a while and it got better. 2 things we decided: no matter what they say, it's jeans from now on and forever! Dress code, no jeans, my ass! I KEEP tellin L about how they don't care what the girls wear but she never listens...the flyer said this, the person on the phone said that, blah blah blah. Finally she learned :P And I think I'm gonna cut smokin. Besides the fact that that dumb ho finished off half my pack and I don't got no more, I think they're gettin to me. Makin me kinda dizzy lately and I was coughin like a bitch the other day. Stupid loser with her talkin smack about my menthols. We usually share a pack cuz she can't finish 1 by herself (cuz she's a poser LOL) and I tell her to get menthol. "Nooo! Menthols suck!" "Have you ever HAD menthols?" "No but they're not good!" Dumbass! And there she is suckin back all of mine. She's askin me for a smoke and I'm like hell no. Yeah, what happened to ahhh menthols are gross and all that shit you were sayin? Huh? Yeah that's right. I made her beg for 1 LOL And apparently she has nooo prob with menthols now...I'm right again, thanks.
Pris called my cell but it was in the trunk (we had to repark the car cuz apparently the guy said we were in a 'strictly reserved' space or some garbage, and I put my bag in there before we were gonna jet)...I heard the ringtone and I'm like, where is that comin from? The trunk! But by the time I got to it, she hung up. I was guessin they wanted to do somethin after the reunion but we were already out and downtown so. But dammit, I missed all them kids. I wanted to see them. Pris told me they were arguin who's fault it really was that night I got my head bashed LOL Geez, that was like 7 yrs ago. Where's the time go?


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