Thursday, May 29, 2003

Yikes, this is so bad. I'm doin absolutely jack shit when I should really be doin hw or somethin. Not that I can, cuz I don't have the readings for the class...cuz they're in reserves at the library :P Which I am both too lazy and too don't-give-a-rat's-ass to go photocopy the 100s of pages there are to photocopy. Why you ask? Cuz of some bs the school and the prof gave us about hirin somebody late and makin the bookstore print out copies will take too long etc etc and havin 1 set of the readings for the WHOLE class to share. But of course, this 1 set is under reserves and so cannot be taken outta the library BUT can be kept in the library for you to have for a entire 2 hrs at a time, oh yes. Oh well, so my fuckin around doin nuthin continues...
The pix of me, G, and L from Afterlife are up. I actually don't look stoned outta my mind! Yeah!! The promotions guy asked L first if we wanted our pic taken and she's like no but turns to me and asks if I wanna and I'm like OK! So she's like ah dammit. I'm like, why not? Since when are you camera shy, I'm always the 1 who ends up lookin like an ass. So I was PRAYIN please oh please don't let me look shitty when I went to go check. Cuz they're up for all to see and everythin :P Woohoo! We're in a few more too, but in the mix cuz apparently they took some on the dance floor. Geez, I coulda been pickin my butt and I wouldn't have known. Isn't there some law or somethin about usin pix without ppl's permission or whatever? I don't really care, I'm just sayin :P
Oh hey, I learned how to smoke weed usin hot knives today LOL Noooo I wasn't blazin, I just said I learned how to ;) Very enlightening and informational day! Speakin of weed, G told us about goin campin in July with her old grade school friend and the only reason why I'm considerin this at all is cuz of the hookups LOL Why anyone would wanna sleep on the ground with the wild animals, rain, bugs, cold, and dirt, and probably no proper toilet, by CHOICE, I wouldn't be able to tell ya. But all I had to hear was "yeah she does weed" and "her bf's friends will all be goin and it's gonna be all these guys and she doesn't know if she wants to go if it's just her, bein the only girl and all but if I bring some friends..." I was almost completely down with it LOL


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