Monday, June 02, 2003

Damn, where do I start about Sat?? We went to G's house to drink the stuff we got at the liquor store and do our makeup and shit. Me and L shared Mach 7 ("yeah we got some Mach 3s"...."oh you got some razors to drink did you?" LOL) Lame G didn't even have any ice and the stuff wasn't all that cold from the fridge but it was pretty good. Nobody else really liked it so hey I'll take them all! Saw Chris next door on the way in and we talked...outside in the rain :P
We picked up Vick and went to Casey's. Both L and G couldn't finish even half their Mudslides so of course they made me drink them. After dinner we bounced downtown and decided on G Spot (ladies free before 11, yeah!) It was kinda early but we figured we'd just chill til it started gettin busier. Even tho the speakers kept poppin, goin in and out on 1 side of the floor. They totally cut out durin a song and everybody was like, awww!
So we were on the floor dancin, some dude came over to me and said, "Shake whatcha mama gave ya!" and slapped my ass. I'm like, whoa ok! and kept dancin and then he left to go in the middle. I was like what the hell was that? LOL They were like, what'd he say? I told them and that I got my ass spanked again LOL That's like 5 times now...intentionally :P
There was also this dancin guy...for real, I dunno WHAT was up with him. We think he was like mentally not all there or was on drugs. He was like well into his 30s, glasses, geekass clothes, totally didn't look like he belonged...and he was dancin (for lack of a better word) like a psycho. Actually I'm not sure exactly what he was doin...pointin to the sky, doin punches in the air, doin some madass Roger Rabbit-type biz...all by himself! OMG, everybody was lookin at him and no one wanted to be near him LOL Half the time, Vick was just standin there watchin him, he was so weird LOL And somehow, everytime he'd end up near our group and we'd be like oh god, he's back again and he's right beside us, move move! I think he was tryin to get with G a couple times, and she was freakin out LOL L was totally mockin him, dancin like him and doin hand claps and he comes up right beside her LOL and I'm like, he's right fuckin there! She's like oh shit. I think he was drawn to her, like he'd found his mate LOL!!
So we were just chillin, takin a break from the floor and we're sittin on a couch in the back near the bar. Some guy with his friend comes up to me and starts small talk and stuff about how we're not drinkin anythin. I'm like, you gonna buy me a drink? (Hey I'll chat it up if I get drinks, sure LOL) He'll buy.
At this point, I'm still just playin around..."What're you havin, beer?"
"Yeah beer"
"Ah I don't drink beer"
"Smirnoff Ice then?...everybody want Smirnoff Ice?"
"Umm yeah OK sure"
He leaves to go to the bar. I turn to the girls and I'm like, losers why didn't you answer when he asked what drinks? I still didn't believe he was gonna do it til he came back with all these bottles. I'm like yeah fuckin right! Vick wasn't really drinkin (cuz of her bf, don't ask me why, even on her BDAY!) and G wasn't cuz I guess she was the driver but I'm sure she woulda been OK with just 1 after a few hrs (there's no chancin it with her..."Do you wanna DIE??" LOL) so G wasn't havin hers so it was gonna be mine but the guy's friend asked if he could have it and I said sure. S'okay, I ended up drinkin almost all of Vick's anyway LOL So basically we ended up meetin and chattin up almost all his friends during the night like individually. They left for a sec at 1 point and I'm like, yo I just got y'all free drinks, booyah! Who's the woman! LOL
So it was all gettin to know you talk. So the dude's name is Nik (L asked me later on and I'm like shit, I don't remember! LOL) He's Russian (hence the accent, derrr), has 2 jobs doin software stuff and as a talent scout or somethin (I'm like, yeah so you're pretty rich huh? He says no not really but at this point anythin he says is basically half drunk talk), has a friend that looks like Tom Cruise (he really does! I woulda went for him but the whole friend thing, he mentioned a gf even tho Nik said he was single, very single...there's that drunk talk I was talkin bout). Oh and he's...30!! We were in the what do you do, where do you go to school, how old are you convo and I'm like holy crap, it's the Steve thing all over LOL He goes on about how much he likes me and how he wants to get to know me better and wants to take me out to dinner and all that. I'm just like, yeah don't you think I'm kinda young for you? He's like, what, I'm too old? I'm all, that's not what I said! :P I'm sorry, but 30 for me is pushin it...not gonna happen. Which is weird cuz the group of ppl/new friends he was with all go to my school's affiliate college and I really doubt they're anywhere near 30. Hmm.
Well we left them to go dance in the hip hop room for a bit. I was like aw crap, don't tell me I'm gonna hafta dance with him all night for this. But I said they could follow us if they wanted to come dance. Guess we lost them cuz they didn't :P Yeah so me and L were pretty much buzzed out, gettin stupid crazy out there when I feel hands on me from behind. Of course it's another guy. I see 1 come up behind L and I'm like, look out you got 1 too. Then another 1 comes up on G and I'm like, shit look out now YOU got 1 too! LOL They were all comin outta the fuckin woodwork. Next thing I know it's like 1 big frickin orgy up in there. Naturally G is spazzin and goin, no thank you, no thank you! LOL while a normal person would take their hands off away or just tell them to screw off :P Guess it got too much of her cuz all of a sudden she just screamed! LOL THAT was fuckin hilarious. And lemme tell ya somethin could really backfire in your face 1 way but fakin the lesbian thing really works on gettin guys to back up LOL Me and L were doin the 'she's with me' and 'oh scuse me, we're dancin' routine and that got them to step off every time ;)
We came back to where the guys were and Nik was like, I was lookin for you. I said, oh we said we were gonna go dance, why didn't you come? :P But we left again anyways to go to the main room...where we were promptly asked to dance by a couple of guys about as tall as me. I'm like, sure go ahead, for me! LOL
K so apparently while I was preoccupied by Nik and friends, L and G were schemin somethin over at their end of the couch. They asked us for a pen and I'm like for what, but they didn't answer me. Turns out L was gettin G to give her # to some guy in the group that caught her eye but none of us had met. For G, this is BIG progress. They had gone to the bartender and got 1 and after we all knew about the lil plan, now it was the big moment for her to give it to him. What a chicken shit. I wish I could say G was kinda licked when she said this to him but she was stone cold sober..."Hi, I think you're remind me of a famous's my number!" LOL Ah man, we so made fun of her when she told us how it went in the car later---You're cuuuuute, like that me, BYE! and then run LOL Pure. Fuckin. Jokes.


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