Thursday, June 05, 2003

I know I shouldn't really be laughin but hey I found it kinda funny...yeah so after me and L went to school to do my photocopyin thing done (almost $20!!...but I did yoink some guy's card which still had money on it that he left behind, heehee), got somethin to eat, went to G's for a bit and then we picked up Vick for coffee. OK so it's like past 12, it was kinda still rainy, and we just dropped G home and on the way to my house. I was sayin to L the whole night that somethin funky was up with her car radio, it was makin some up and down sounds with the engine. The 1st time as we were about to leave the car I was like, what the hell was that? L's like, what? The radio did some weirdass sound as she turned off the car but she was just like yeah okaaaay and made me seem like I was crazy. I'm like OK fine, L's cars tend to do messed up things, maybe it was the radio station or whatev. So the drive from G's house, it started doin it again and we figured out the radio was goin freaky whenever she braked or idled so it was actually the battery or somethin. We come up to the intersection down the street from my house, almost home, so close I could see it right in front of us...and we stop at the red and the car starts to stall. It was strugglin strugglin but it was still red and L was inchin, we're like no, come on! Turn green, turn! Just as it did, it died LOL L's like, fuck! Why?? So we got the hazard lights on, we're sittin there waitin for L's dad to come. I'm like, I could just run home and get my dad and boost it or tow it or whatever but L said he was comin. Good thing it was late at night tho cuz there was hardly any traffic or anybody to go around us. Everybody who did drive past us of course just loved to stare and not ask if we needed help. "Yeah look but don't help, thanks, get the fuck outta here..." "We know it's green, we just like to sit here, yeah that's right" LOL But anyway, L's dad came and we pushed the car down the street, everythin was fine. They had it, so L said I could go home as they were gonna boost the car. I was like, you sure? K well if you need anymore roadside assistance, call me, I'm 5 houses away LOL Oh yeah and this was a few hrs before when me and L almost got sideswiped by some idiot who doesn't know how to change lanes. L has some wicked reflexes I tell ya. The guy totally didn't look in his blindspot and woulda hit us if she didn't brake and swerve while still drivin...and she still managed to honk all during this LOL We saw the car up ahead and we were gonna come up on him soon and we're like, ohhh this asshole's gonna get it. She drove up beside him and honked like mad and we both yelled and gave him the finger (road rage-y I know but this dumbass almost took us out) and the 2 guys in the car looked at us like they had no idea what they just did. Shitheads.
Oh yeah, at Timmy's I told them about how I had a missed call # on my phone but not sure who, maybe Nik. So L called it on her cell and call ID-blocked it and it was him, cuz we heard his vmail :P Geeez.


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