Monday, June 23, 2003

Whenever I think I'm not doin much for the weekend, I get all busy :P I found peeps to go see 2Fast2Furious with on Sat :) Went with Al, Mike, and their friends Adrian and Dwayne...Mike has a nice ride but it's kinda small in the back, no wonder the boys were in the front. Seein that flick makes me wanna race like whoa. Adrian's like, when he saw the 1st movie, of course everybody wanted to be like racers and ppl was peelin outta the parkin lot...even the shitboxes and minivans LOL Too bad he (I'm guessin by his convos) has a gf...hottie and super nice...the guy held his hand out for me whenever I got outta Mike's car! Awwww!
On Sun I went to L's to lay out in the sun cuz we were tryin to tan our pale ass skin. I know last yr I totally covered up cuz I vowed not to burn like I always do and didn't want no tan lines but this time, I'm doin it all. I wanna hit the beach and get some damn colour since I don't play hs softball no more LOL But I was friggin dyin, sneezin and needin to blow my nose every 20 secs, no lie. Didn't have any meds on me so I'm like arghhhh, gotta go home! Even tho I've never had allergies before since a couple yrs ago. At least L finally burned me Em's CD cuz I was actually at her house to get her to do it :P
So G calls and we're goin out later and I'm like fuck that, I'm goin home to shower first cuz I ain't goin nowhere lookin and feelin like this. Then we're apparently goin to Jack Astor's to meet up with Alan and Alena and all their peeps, I don't even remember all their names. See how they like to not tell me what's goin on but always go on about comin up with stuff to do? Anyway, it's 3 tables of ppl together and I'm in the middle seat and dunno who to be talkin to :P But Alan's crew was the buncha guys we chilled with that night at G Spot LOL That was interesting. But they said they were apparently kinda faded that night cuz they didn't really remember meetin us LOL That's why when I saw Darren, I thought his name was Derek and since he didn't realize who we were I was confused and asked if he had a twin LOL Guess it was really loud in the club :P I was just hopin they weren't gonna talk too much about Nik LOL Geeez. But good thing they weren't goin there or they didn't really know Nik was all about pickin me up that night cuz they were talkin about how REALLY rich he was, more than I figured. I was like, dammit! LOL Oh well...good times that Sun. Tho Jack Astor's is really messed up, havin last call at like midnight, but givin the guys beer anyway except it couldn't be pitchers, and then closin at 12:40?? WTF?


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