Monday, June 30, 2003

It was rainin tonight...which would generally suck but was sweet today cuz it wasn't so hot. 20'C is very very nice. And we went out when it stopped rainin anyway :) I was at the comp when it was thunderin and the lightenin did some crazy flash. Some blue flash came offa my TV and it cut off my internet cable and scared the fuck outta me. Like holy crap, all I was thinkin was that it was probably a good thing I wasn't touchin no electric parts or cables or some shit cuz I heard somewhere that you could fry off your own appliances in the house durin a thunderstorm :P
Thought we were gonna go to Jack Astor's again...meetin up with Alan and the guys would be a total coincidence ;) I wanted to play pool or somethin but of course how could I refuse G when she wanted to go to Demetre's? It makes her so happy LOL
So I come home and EVERYBODY'S back home. It's a frickin hotel up in here. I love them and all that good shit but I can't take so many ppl livin under the same roof. Peace and quiet around here is the same as findin a pile of wish to hell for it but will never, never happen. *Sigh* Let's get ready for the arguin and yellin, esp while I'm tryin to sleep in the morning and when I'm watchin TV. And they ask me why I go out so much :P


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