Saturday, July 05, 2003

Every single time I wanna go out drinkin, somethin always messes up my plans...ppl who punk out, it starts stormin outside, a car breaks down, we end up doin somethin else...fate is mean to me. Or maybe it's doin a good thing for me but I just can't see it :P We were supposed to do Heather's bday/bar devirginizin thing but her and her lil high schooly friends pulled a teaser so that was a flop. I was like dammit, I know it's for your bday and whatever but I was so hyped! I was still determined to make this happen with or without her :P So I'm like, G, you're takin me out drinkin I don't care! They never decide on anythin anyway so I just made up their minds for them. But first we went to G's house cuz she was makin food. If you don't know G, she does not cook at ALL so she's tryin to learn. It's sad, I had to tell her how to make scrambled eggs once. Even if she's doin it from a cookbook, with instructions, she messes it up somehow. The last time she tried cookin somethin, we ended up doin most of it for her. Tho I dunno how hard it could be, just throwin stuff together and shovin it into the oven :P But good on her tryin to learn, better late than never huh?
So while she's doin her thing in the kitchen, we're BBQ'in the rest of the burgers left from Tues and we're havin that for dinner. I also finished off the bottle of Arbor Mist, heehee. It reminded me that I don't like wine but meh! Anyways, so G and L were in the backyard with the BBQ and I'm in the kitchen, her meatball casserole whatever's in the oven, and I go out to the patio to talk to them. Just as I open the backdoor and G says, "So where we goin tonight?", I hear a bang. I'm like, wtf was that? G, I think somethin exploded. They're like, what do you mean, exploded? I guess they didn't hear it. I say, I dunno, somethin just sounded like it exploded. G's thinkin it was her faucet or somethin LOL so they come in and I'm like naw man, it came from the oven. She opens it up and the glass dish the food was cookin in totally blew up! The thing was in pieces, sauce was all over the place, and everythin was on the bottom of oven. Shiiiiit. G was like, it said oven safe I swear!! Sarah said she's used the dish before with no probs, someone probably cracked it a bit and that's why it blew up. I think G's done with her tryin to learn to cook thing LOL
K so we're chillin, tryin to think of what to do and where to go. Me and L are on the couch and she's talkin to her on/off again boy on her cell and she made some dirty noise cuz she was movin around or somethin. Sounded like she had an orgasm, it really did. Of course I like to mock her and I exaggerated the same noise and she's like OMG shut up. So I'm sittin there and 2 secs later, I feel this crazy pain under my ribs on the right side. I'm like ow, holy fuck. I dunno what the hell it was but it was what I'd imagine a heart attack would feel like. But I know it wasn't cuz the heart's not on the right side under the ribs :P It was killin me. Like every now and then, it'd flare up and I couldn't take a breath properly. So L's flippin out like I really was havin a heart attack and I'm like no I'm fine, just need to sit it out. So I'm on the couch slumped in pain and she seriously wants to take me to the hospital. I'm like, I'm OK, I don't need to go to the hospital. She's yellin at G upstairs that somethin's wrong with me and to take me to the hospital and G's just like, what're you ppl doin down there? and totally ignorin us LOL Well damn, if I really was dyin, she's just carryin on with her business and not givin a rat's ass. So that made me laugh and L's spazzin out kept makin me laugh and that made the pain worse and I'm strugglin tryin to tell her not to make me laugh cuz it hurts. G finally comes downstairs only cuz she's done gettin ready and see what's goin on and is like, do you really want me to take to you the hopsital? So I hafta keep arguin with L not to freak out about this. I'm like, it was the damn burger, y'all poisoned me! :P L's like, we all had burgers, it was cuz you made porno noises! You were stricken cuz God doesn't like you makin porno noises! LOL I was like fuck off and we somehow got into a debate about sex for pleasure and reproduction, Adam and Eve and how God made ppl and how ppl make ppl LOL So the pain finally stopped and it was like nuthin happened. Felt like a pinched artery or some shit and I'm just like, fuck whatever organ's under there dammit! Guess it was another sign not to drink that night :P We ended up goin to Jack Astor's with Al and Mike anyway.


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