Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I spent a whole half an hr in class tonight...I was late (friggin accident on the road, and the slowass transit) plus they were showin yet another film I'd already seen so I jetted. I spent almost half a fuckin hr waitin for the bus that goes onto campus, otherwise known as the C or the F...every one that came by...A...B...E...B again...A again...fuckin hell. And men and their goddamn prickly arm hair!! Why do I keep gettin guys sittin next to me who have hair on their arms that brush against me? I try to move away and sit with my arms as close to me as I can but they seem to like to invade my space. Like, damn, you wanna not be touchin me? But really, what're you supposed to say, "Excuse me, can you move away a bit so your annoyin arm hair won't itch my skin? Thanks." It's simple...wax yourself or just don't sit so close to me. Then we'll all be happy. And the guys who just have to sit with their legs spread like they're givin birth. WTF, you're not at home and no one needs to see that you're airin out your crotch. Unless you're especially visibly wide and heavy, I dunno why dudes feel like they gotta take up more than 1 seat. You'd never think you'd need to tell a guy to close their legs!


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