Thursday, July 10, 2003

Yesterday was...bizarre. Just not the usual I guess. Went out for lunch with the mom and bro, which in itself is weird cuz I hardly ever do that unless I'm up for head-bashin torture. Maybe it's my built-up tolerance for my mother's constant lip-flap, but it was actually alright. Plus I wasn't payin LOL
I thought I was gonna go downtown to shop but since I ended up goin to eat with the familia, I figured I was just gonna go later. L calls me and asks me to come over and help dye her hair. I'm like okaaaay but if it turns out like shit, don't blame me! She's a salon wench and has never done it at home herself so me bein the semi-pro, I had to help this poor ignorant dork with dark roots. She has a thing for highlights and was thinkin about goin back to her natural dark brown but I wouldn't let her, noooo! So we spent forever in Shopper's decidin on what colour and what brand and what kit. OMG I spent 9 hrs doin her fuckin hair!! She ended up gettin the highlightin kit with the cap and I dunno how, but hookin her hair thru the stupid holes in the cap took 8 goddamn hrs!!! She just had to get the 'striking all-over look' so that meant doin every freakin hole...there were like 200! And her hair kept snaggin when I pulled it out so I had to stop and comb it out, good lord. Took SO damn long. We had to take breaks. Moved from the bathroom, to the master bedroom, to her room, to the livin room...watched Extreme Ops (Devon Sawa again, heehee!), Ghost Ship, parts of Jackass, a whole Dr. Phil show, plus an entire hr of news (the upstairs TV only worked 2 channels, you know how bored I had to be sittin there pokin holes in a cap to be watchin news). I was like, fuck it, leave your hair in the cap like that and I'll finish it tomorrow! LOL But we finally finished it and it looked alright, better than before at least. But I saw it when her hair was still wet so.
So I got home at almost 2 in the morning. I heard a lot of cop sirens but that's nuthin weird so whatever. Then my mom comes in my room (she likes to wait up and nag me when I get in *rolls eyes*) and says that there's cops outside and a van drove up into the park in front of our house and some guy jumped out. Guess some perp ran and tried to hide in the park or the houses nearby or somethin and they were gettin him. This was like practically on my lawn...and I walk thru that park when I get home from the bus stop after class (it's not even called a park but a 'corners', small with just grass and trees and bushes). Of course, mother takes this opportunity to lecture me about doin things late at night and all the evil bad things that could happen. Geez. I heard, "Turn around" on a loudspeaker and I'm like damn, what's goin on out there? The cars were still out there by the time I went to bed. Crazy.


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