Monday, August 04, 2003

The 1st thing I said to G when I woke up this morning was "Ugghhhhhhh, I feel like shiiiiiit!" I'm SO freakin tired, felt like I got hit by a truck. OMG I had to pop 3 pills yesterday and I didn't even drink a lot. What's goin on? I never used to be like that back in the day. Guess it was cuz I didn't have any food in my stomach again and I was hot and sweaty and dancin so that didn't help. Havana was good times tho. Too bad we didn't get hookups from Arthur this time :P But then again, if he gave us free drinks again, I'd be in deep shit LOL No self-control! I was so close to throwin up in the bathroom. I had to leave the dancefloor for a bit by myself cuz I wasn't feelin good and tho I was kinda out of it, I could tell all these guys were lookin at me. I know I look so hot when I'm deep pink in the face and walkin like I have problems but come on now :P Oh and of course by clubbin rules, I got another drink spill on me. Somebody left their glass on top of the speaker and it was cranked so high, if you put your bottle on it, it'd vibrate so much it'd fall off, so it crashed to the floor gettin some on my foot (and I of course happened to be wearin sandals this time). L was just freaked out it was her drink. She was like *gasp* Thank god, thought it was mine! My precious precious alcohol! You're stayin with ME!, and held onto that bottle like her life depended on it LOL And pretty much all I can remember from the ride home was us makin turkey noises and findin it hilarious...and L darin me to flash the guy in the car who blatantly looked over. So me and G did the whole car drop-off and walk to my house to sleep over thing. I didn't bring a jacket and it was kinda chilly so I was sportin G's pj top LOL At least I was wearin shoes this time! So it's 3:30 am again and we see a few cars goin by here and there but there was this 1 red car that stopped ahead of us and sat there for a good while and G started freakin out that they were gonna get us or somethin. It was weird tho, they were just waitin there...and then they started to reverse. G's BUGGIN at this point. She made us cross the street and busted out her cell, ready to dial 911 and I'm like, relax, if they do wanna start somethin or whatever, just ignore them and don't act like you're scared. There's houses EVERYWHERE anyway and Cherm's house is down the street too. Turns out the guy was just droppin off his gf or whatever and they were just talkin in the car for a bit or whatever :P This paranoia that L's got into her, I tell ya. Like lockin the car doors whenever we get on the HIGHWAY...cuz y'know, those murderers on foot will get into your car at 100 km/h LOL
Anyway, so I can't even walk exactly normal on our lil trek to my house plus booze makes me sleepy after a while and I'm ready to fall on the sidewalk and take a nap. I even picked up the paper in the yard and I'm like, err? Didn't I just read today's (as in Sunday's)? It was today's LOL I'm like, damn, the newspaper even beat us home. Didn't know they delivered them so friggin early. I can't believe we woke up at like 8, 4 hrs after we went to bed, yuck. G had to drive Heather to work and I had to let her out and lock the door :P Yeah so I felt like I was pukin all night and was hungover or somethin for some reason. My mouth felt just nasty and everythin hurt. I needed a nap so bad today but didn't get to so I better go out for some coffee.


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