Friday, August 22, 2003

Went out for some sun the other day...I think I tanned more, yeaaah! Mostly on the arms tho, but whatever. I will be uni-coloured!

Me and L cruised around in her new ride, an Acura LotsaNumbersandLettersWhateverItIs. It's got leather seats and she was wearin khaki capris and it was HOT out. The genius didn't put on the ac in there but just had the windows rolled down instead so it was still kinda warm. She's tellin me how she's stickin to the seats and her ass is probably sweaty. I'm like, can you even sweat thru your ass?? LOL She's like, ass is wet, I know it. We're about to go into Timmy's, she steps outta the car and asks me to check her ass. OMG, I'm like, dude you look like you pissed your pants, I'm not even playin LOL It was bad. She's like, fuuuuuck! We're not goin in! Hell no I'm goin anywhere like this. We tried chillin in the car with the doors open to try to air out her ass for a few but it wasn't gonna work. I said I could just walk behind her :P Didn't have no jacket to wrap around her waist either. So we jetted LOL

Rented some movies...Bringing Down the House and House of 1000 Corpses. BDTH was good, HTC was garbage. Last night was mad thunder and lightnin and the whole scary movie on a dark and stormy night thing woulda been dope...if the movie was at ALL scary! Piece of crap.

Did a bit of shoppin today. Gonna get clothes tomorrow...and my Skechers soon! :D

I'm kinda bummed now tho. We're in the LCBO lookin at what to bring for the cottage (booze, heh heh, yeaaaah) and Al calls and says she's thinkin of goin to Barbados after all and asked if we'd be peeved if she didn't go to the cottage with us after all. Fuck! I so want her to come but I feel bad tellin her not to go have a hype time in Barbados. Mike's already there. We made the date for this week instead of last for that punk cuz she said she might go that week but damn, how can you be mad at Al? :P I probably won't be able to go now either cuz we all gotta pay more. She said she'd ask everyone else and she'd pay for my difference and I could pay her back whenever but...I dunno. We'll see what goes down. She's not home and not pickin up her cell. Ugh, why do these things happen? I was so hyped. I NEED A FRIGGIN CIGARETTE...argh, withdrawals! Stress! Whatever it is!


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