Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Al and my sis are both back from their lil getaways. L and G got their cottage pix done. They look NICE! I look GOOD, how bout that? LOL

Things to do...get a new tape, get G's straightener, give her bathin suit back, get her cash for books with the mom's credit card :) Mwahaha, I'm so schemin evil.

I had a buncha serious adult moments. Well not so adult cuz I was just thinkin about how emotionally immature I can get :P We were out at Timmy's and somehow got into the marriage talk again and it just made me wanna...I dunno, roll my eyes and say OH GOD! Vick's unbelievable, she's talkin gettin married to Rene and like DREAMIN about havin freakin babies already! Girl, you're 23! You're still in school! But she knows and hey, everybody goes their own rate. Then I had some 'thinker' moments about school cuz I once again I had to deal with some more bs and I just got this regretful feelin, like I should switch majors or somethin cuz I ain't all that happy with what I'm doin. But that'd never happen cuz I'm in my last yr! :P I'd be insane and all that money and time woulda been for nuthin and my rents would beat my ass. Yeah so I'm feelin like everybody's gettin older but me. Nobody even drinks anymore. MEH!

Hmm...I scored some cash so I remembered I owe my bro $10, which is kinda sad to be borrowin money from your little brother LOL (Hey man, I was in a tight spot) Here's hopin he forgot. Whatever! He owes ME, with all the shit I gotta deal with him!

I went out for a smoke last night and it didn't occur to me that there'd be bugs outside. DERR!! I was wearin a tshirt tied up at the side so my back was exposed and I got bit like a mofo. 3 on the lower back, 1 on the arm, and 1 on the friggin foot. Fuckin mosquitos! Figures that this whole summer I didn't get bit once and now I'm the meal of the week. I'll probably get West Nile now. Damn Meg, distractin me on the phone LOL Tho y'all will tell me that's what I get for bein a dirty smoker :P Yeaaaah, yeaaah!


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