Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Had my 1st class today. I enrolled in the thing like 2 hrs before it started :P And yeah, as always, late for the 1st day! LOL Shit, I've done it for every semester, every yr for all my yrs in university. Ah well! Consistency, baby.

I'm tired. Lemme just say this, with the classes I have now, not even includin the ones I wanna (well, need to) take and have to talk to the profs about first tomorrow, I'm gonna DIE. This yr's gonna kill me, it's a fact. If it all goes like I want it, I'll have classes 4 days a week, 1 where I'm there from the afternoon til 10 pm, and research and film projects up the ass. Holy crap, is this where I grow up and do nuthin but work? Scary! I'm scared! I can't take havin no life, I just can't. And to think me and L were gonna apply to Boathouse. Howtf am I gonna pull off this school shit and a job? *cries* SO not into startin this yr! I haaaate this craaaaap. I've been havin this feelin of dread all week and I'm really missin what it's like for things to be goin good and have somethin to smile about, geez. Life is screwed. Make that, MY life is screwed. But as we learned in theatre class today, when things go wrong, it's hilarious. Which I kinda realized is true. I tend to laugh at almost everythin and somewhat see a good side to stuff, the least I can do is take it with a lil optimism. When you look back at things or from a diff perspective, shit can be funny. Except when it's not :P


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