Thursday, September 11, 2003

OK I'm feelin a bit better about things than I was yesterday, which is surprisin cuz today I found out that I can't take that film class I needed. Maybe I can take bad news better than I think....*clenches fists and teeth*. I just don't dwell. Yeah that's it. It's just more crap I hafta deal with...not til Mon tho :) I don't care, I don't care! Ya know what? If you wanna be all adult about it, you know that distractin yourself from your shitass week by goin out or gettin wasted or whatev is just a momentary escape from reality, but I think it's REALLY good. It's just the harsh realization that you gotta go back to the bs that hits you and gets ya down again :P Ah well, live your life in cycles right? And forgettin my wondaful week is exactly what I'm gonna do.

Rant rant rant...somethin else that works is talkin about celebrities :) The Film Fest has been goin on this week and ends soon and I haven't even been out to star-hunt. Which is sad cuz there's all these famous ppl in town and walkin around where I can actually see them but I'm not doin nuthin about it. Damn school. Then again, I don't really love off anyone who's here...maybe just Dean Cain and Val Kilmer...Superman and Batman! LOL

Oh and 1 good thing I've heard recently, Michelle Branch is comin back to do that show she cancelled a few months ago so I'm def goin. Just gotta find somebody to come with me. I asked Al but she's like, I dunno, it's so close to my bday! Oooops, I kinda forgot LOL Is that bad?


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