Friday, December 26, 2003

Christmas was interesting. Christmas Eve me and L went to G's house to watch movies, haha...Freaky Friday and half of Tomb Raider 2 :P And we finally made New Yr's Eve plans. Got a room at the...get this...Royal York, booyah! (The cheapest rate outta all of them, I dunno why!), decided on havin dinner at this fancy Italian place, and got tix to Piccadilly Circus Pub after. I rock. Pris hasta find out if she's comin too. I don't think she knows what's she's gonna get herself into LOL

Christmas was the family dinner thing (I can eat real food now, yay!), presents and such. Which is kinda unusual for us cuz we don't really do the whole presents at Xmas thing anymore. Yeah we're not much of a conventional family, let's just say that. I got some decent stuff but it's more the stuff that I'll buy for myself but the rents pay for, haha :) Ya know, they don't really know what I want or will like and the only way to make sure of that is for me to get it all *shrugs* Ahhhh, credit. But I wanna steal the lil stuffed reindeer my bro got LOL I've named her Petals cuz her antlers look like flower petals :P

So after dinner, my sister has this weird thing of wantin to make butter cookies...except we have no butter...or icing sugar...and everythin's closed. So me and her go on a lil quest for a convenience store that's open Xmas day and has butter. My dad's car was blockin her car in the driveway so she made me move it and after that damn incident in G's driveway, I said I'd never drive that fuckin thing again. Not even to back it out of my own driveway. I HATE HATE HATE that car! And it's so friggin BIG! I told her this, insisted that she move it but no. Yeah, turns out that not only did I think that I almost hit the fire hydrant in the yard, but I actually did cuz my dad found a dent the next day :P I'm actually laughin about it now but yeaaaaah...ooops! I swear I didn't touch nuthin but hey. Which makes me comment about how gettin nicks and bumps on your ride really isn't a big deal. And I'm not just sayin that cuz I did it to my dad's. Honestly, as long as your car isn't mashed up and it's not some showroom Porsche or a Beemer, things like that don't matter. All that mess with ppl havin shits if another person dings your car and hey let's start a brawl cuz you chipped my paint. It still RUNS :P

Anyway, I got way off topic there. The car seemed fine. So me and my sis cruised for some butter, havin a smoke (cuz I CAN!). I had pretty much quit since the end of the summer, crud. Ah well. We were gettin gas and she asked me to check the glove compartment for an air miles card and there were packs of cigs and I'm like, why do you have so many in there? She's like, Lin went to St. Antigua and they're a dollar! ONE dollar!

We found a Mac's and got $5 butter LOL So all the kids made butter cookies with coloured sugar on top. All from scratch...Martha Stewart, aw yeah.

K so today bein Boxing Day, I usually stay home from the madness that is the mall but I wanted to see if they had any stuff I wanted on sale so I said I'd go with L cuz she was goin with her mom in the morning. I was at the mall at 9 in the friggin AM. I couldn't believe I was shoppin at this time, let alone even bein up. We got done with 1 mall, L got some KFC and chilled at my house for a bit, then we went with G and her sisters to STC, haha. Yeah we're crazy enough to go to not 1 but 2 malls on Boxing Day. It was a ZOO. Parking took like 45 mins and that's only cuz we were lucky. That part was pure jokes tho. Thought I'd go nuts in Boathouse, West 49, Old Navy, and Bluenotes but there wasn't that much interestin stuff, wanted a few things here and there but I just settled for another pair of jeans. I wanna go to Sam the Record Man downtown tomorrow for their yearly Boxing Day insanity and get my DVDs. Yeah I think I'm down for standin in line outside for a while for some cheap goods.

My legs are tired, too much walkin today! I totally forgot it was Fri today :P Watched the Leafs...6-5 baby, owww! My boys are kickin ass. That game was RIDICULOUS, and we won :)

Gonna go do my laundry...all those new clothes to wash, heh.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas Eve! I'm sure I'll be postin more or tomorrow cuz I'll be tryin to get away from the ruckus of the relatives, haha.

Be nice to eachother!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

When I said 100% by Mon, I meant 90% :P I was on a liquid diet. Oh yes, 7Up for dinner. I graduated to solids tho...oatmeal and PLAIN macaroni, bland and tasteless, woo!

Went shoppin (well, window-shoppin) with the moms and bro yesterday. Oh god, I just wanted to get outta there. Not just cuz my stomach was startin to hurt again, not just cuz my mom is the slowest walker in the world, but cuz we were in fob city, haha. I don't like that mall. BUT I did find a lil place in there that was pretty much all Coke stuff but they had a buncha old and hard to find Pepsi stuff too.

G wanted me to dye her hair so I went over. She got the exact same shade as me, that fuckin biter! LOL She said they didn't have any more Chocolate Cherry so she got the next closest thing. She's like, it's a Feria Power Red and it's almost the same colour. I'm like, is it called Burgundy Blowout?? That's the 1 I used, loser! Now we're gonna look even more the same! LOL And I got some flecks of dye on my damn jeans too. I really hafta do some laundry.

Gonna see Mona Lisa Smile tonight. Oh and it's Tash's bday today. If only that ass picked up the phone sometimes.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Yeah, ya know that weird feelin I had in my tummy? That turned out to be what I think was the stomach flu...or food poisoning. I threw up all my dinner...and probably lunch too :P I think I puke more than anybody in the world except bulimics, fuck. So, this whole weekend was stayin in and recoverin from whatever the hell virus/24 hr bug thingy that had stricken me. Yup, a cold, fever, sharp pains in the stomach, throwin up, and a heachade each time I had to cough. Meds city. I'm way better now tho, thank god. Can't deal with this shit anymore. And I haven't seen a doctor. It just takes too long, esp when you're sick and in misery, I'm just in no mood to be waitin around for hrs just so I can be told to take some over the counter medicine anyway. I'd rather do that in bed, bitchin and moanin, haha. And bein typical, by the time I'd actually get to see the doc, I'd be pretty much better with no symptoms to show and the doc would think I was makin up shit :P

I wanted to go to the Snoop after party at the Docks on Sat but of course I couldn't. OK I did end up goin out for a bit last night but still. I was feelin a lot better and I thought I was pretty much over it so I had to get out for 1 of those talk & chill sessions at Timmy's cuz G and P had "somethin to tell us" and L apparently had "somethin to give me" (Xmas card, with candies :D) and "somethin to show me" LOL (she got a stuffed Patrick on a keychain, haha). They went to see Lord of the Rings tonight but I really don't care about that movie so it's OK. If it's 1 thing I don't like, it's ppl havin fun without me.

I should be 100% by tomorrow hopefully. It'll suck ass if I'm still feelin crappy by Xmas time. We still have no idea what we're doin for New Yr's!