Friday, May 27, 2005

I'm still upset Vick's not really celebrating the big bday...not that that would really be in character, haha. I guess it's not Vick's fault for gettin kinda sick tho.

We met up with G midtown after work (we ran into 6 on the corner :P) for dinner, drinks, whatnot. Then Vick wasn't feelin too good (I won't mention the problem, haha) so we couldn't stay out late. I think everybody's buggin about how old they're turnin this yr. That's the spirit!

I'm tired. Not that I don't have a buncha things to do but those can wait. Sleepy time!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Well I just had an unpleasant experience. I dropped off my brother at school from co-op and I parked the car in the driveway and was gettin out and lockin it. These two guys walkin across the intersection that I had passed while turnin right onto my street had caught up and were just passin my house. I didn't notice them til I was about to go into the garage. One of them says, "Hi." All I could think was, geez...maybe he's just bein friendly but I doubt it and I really didn't feel like havin this awkward exchange in front of my house with some stranger so I ignored them and continued on my way. Maybe he thought my silence was a diss, maybe he was just continuing his train of thought, whatever...but I won't say what he said next. It wasn't disgusting, some might actually see it as some twisted compliment to which I would only reply, "You wish" but it was just ugh...please. I'm like, what're you, in HIGH SCHOOL? It was some lame ass gangsta wannabe hs kid. I wasn't really offended cuz this was from some BOY who didn't have a car to drive or probably not even a licence, and hearin this kinda shit isn't new to me. Punk. In your friggin dreams! And even then, not til you're of age, homie!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I've been feelin sleepy throughout the day. That's right, I'm an old woman! Nah, I just didn't get enough hrs in last night. No freakin wonder I have these permanent dark circles under my eyes. Attractive.

I really don't know what I was doin this whole day but there today went. Drove the bro, folded laundry, took a nap, took a shower in the middle of the day. Went to G's house for another of her attempts at cookin...not technically cookin I suppose if it's just baked spinach artichoke dip. And yes she did mess up still. But at least it was not only edible but pretty good. May I remind everyone that this is the person who didn't know how to make scrambled eggs? Yeaaaah. And exploded a glass casserole dish in the oven while tryin to make some kinda meatball recipe.

Sarah and her friend were home and then L came, then Heather and Justin, and more of Sarah's friends. That's life at their house. Heather drank pure lemon juice fully knowin what it was and still insisted and of course made the sour face. We watched American Idol, dropped in on Sarah and friend's PowerPoint yrbook thing they were puttin together, and talked camping plans. I don't think it's gonna happen cuz of not just the scheduling of everyone but the fact that one or all of them are gonna start bitchin on Day One...esp since none of us except Justin have gone camping before and therefore don't know how to pitch a tent, don't know what sleepin on the ground outdoors is like, how to make a fire, etc etc. Woooo!

I just checked for Keane tickets again and they released some good ones! Dammit, this means I might hafta go, haha. God I should stop spendin...esp on concerts. Which reminds me that 112 is gonna be a Guv next week...only $20. Ah, I gotta stop :P

Speakin of buyin things, I gotta go to the mall tomorrow to get Vick's bday present after I drive my bro to school. Then apparently we'll be goin out to celebrate that night cuz Fri, Sat, and Sun can't be done. And not doin anythin for your bday with your friends isn't an option. I will not allow it!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Happy Victoria Day! Tho it doesn't really have anythin to do with much besides long weekends and drinkin now, it's nice to remember the lady :P

And a pretty good weekend it was.

Sat we went to Metro cuz no one could decide on a place for the life of them and Al was insistent about goin there. Nobody had gone before but from what we've heard it was an effort to just get in the joint...AND cover was $15, men or women, VIP or anybody. Dammit Alice, dammit. It was fun and I guess it was worth the cover (cuz I've seen worse than 15) for the first time out, but I wouldn't make it a habit to go back there. So fuckin Audrey was takin forever doin whatever it was she was doin that night so Al wanted to head downtown first and Kim and Cat would meet up with us. Debbie came!! That's crazy cuz 1)I don't even remember the last time I'd seen her, 2)I don't think we've all gone out together since hs, 3)She's not a clubber...unless it's house, haha.

Me and Deb were never that tight. The whole background is, the crew of us in hs were The 7 Dwarves. Yes as in from Snow White. Then she moved away to BC for a few yrs and then she came back. But when she came back, I didn't exactly hang out with her 24/7. You know how you're friends with someone but they're not as close to you as other friends are, but they're still closer than bein acquaintances? We were friends but just didn't call eachother to do stuff a lot, that kinda thing. I dunno, maybe it's more our history that keeps us together. But whatever, we're still cool and I love the Dwarves :)

So Deb works for some construction company, all I know about what she does is somethin about architecture and drivin around to places a lot. So she's got a pickup truck for a company car! It's funny cuz she's this small girl drivin this big truck with a construction company logo on the side. The 3 of us ridin downtown in it dressed in clubbin gear is even more amusing. But it's a very comfy ride! It's one of those trucks that have 4 doors and can carry passengers in the back. I like the height and power over everybody, haha.

Knowin that the bouncers at the club were gonna have a critical eye on who they let in, the theme was all about hoochin it up, haha. I was only in jeans (but my nice butt ones, I might add) and my Triple 5 top but Deb and Al were in skirts and heels so they were workin it. We waited in line not even 5 mins when the bouncer came by and asked if it was us 3 and then let us in front of everybody. Nice. We were a hot bunch, I gotta tell ya, haha. This the only time when it pays to be a girl!

We didn't even meet up with Kim and them til around 1. We danced, we drank, we got picked up, Al stalked, haha. A guy started chattin up Deb and after a while, he asked me and Al if he could borrow her a minute. Al's like, only if you buy us drinks. And he did it! :D Apparently while me and Al were away from the rest of them later in the night (cuz Al was stalkin, more on that later), TWO guys were hittin on Cat (who has a bf) and they all got drinks too. I'm like, why didn't you come and get me?? :P

OK so Al spotted some cutie on the dance floor and then he disappeared and she was all disappointed. Then I saw him again and told her there was her chance. It was so funny and cute how she got nervous. She's like, I'm not used to this! I don't pick up ppl for myself!" Hahaha. She kept on flakin out. We named him Cowboy cuz somehow to Al he looked like one and then later called him The Original cuz his friend came into play and he was equally cute ;) Al was like, ooh I wouldn't mind him either! I told her to pick one and I'd take the overflow. We followed Original and friend and stopped where they stopped about 3 times. It was gettin very stalker-ish. I told Al to do the 'accidental' bump thing but she wasn't havin it. We ended up right beside them at the bar and still nothing! Then the friend walked away to go hit on some other girls or whatever and Original went to sit down. After standin beside him near the wall, Al finally initiated small talk. His friend came back and we all met and chatted for a bit. I remember some stuff about Original's friend pimpin him out and talkin about his biceps and thighs and somethin about bein in porn movies, haha. He said it was Original's 24th bday and they had been partyin early so that's why they were kinda tired/wasted/not dancin. Deb came over and then we bounced to get back to the others and Al decided that Original was kinda boring so meh. Good practice tho! Haha. Baby steps after a breakup, ya know?

On a completely unrelated note, I CANNOT believe I forgot to tape SNL with Coldplay. Fuck. Ppl are out on Sat nights, come onnnnnn.

On Sun me, L, and G were supposed to go to Ashbridges Bay for the beach and fireworks but the weather didn't turn out too nice. Deb wanted to hit one of those crazy long weekend club parties that were spinnin house. No thank you...a lil bit is fine but not the whole night. I used to be into house maybe 5 yrs ago but not anymore, now it's crap.

So we watched the movie Crash in the afternoon. SO GOOD, you have to watch it. I'll probably talk about it in another post. Then we got food, chilled at my house to eat, then to G's and L's to pick up some stuff to watch fireworks at Wonderland. Prettyyyyy. Fireworks are that much better when you're stoned, haha.

Yesterday we chilled at G's and Justin was there too. Then we headed off to the park to watch fireworks again but I guess they weren't doin it officially this yr so it was just a bunch of ppl doin it themselves. This meant anybody and everybody all around us and THAT included these crazy mofos who were holdin them in their hands and shootin them vertically and AT ppl. It was a group of guys who probably robbed a fireworks truck cuz they had a neverending stash. I appreciated it cuz they put on a free show of good ones for more than half an hr but I didn't appreciate the daredevil antics. We were like, don't fuckin walk around, stay where they hell you are! Haha. Yeah, so ppl were settin fireworks off in diff areas all around us at the same time and it was like a war zone! We got freaked out, haha. Bit too close for comfort cuz it seemed these groups set up in a circle and we were in the middle of all of it. Things were explodin, poppin, whizzin, and cracklin in every direction. Plus it was basically pitch black so we never knew where the next ones were comin from. The noise, the colours, the sparks, the smell of traumatizing LOL

Good times. I slept in today hardcore, did shit around the house, and I'm finally caught up with all my shows...except for 24 and Desperate Housewives which I need to borrow from L. She was supposed to go to Buffalo to shop on Mon but that didn't happen so she was kinda mad, haha and she wanted to go shoppin today and altho I didn't say I'd go with for sure, I didn't get up til late and that didn't pan out either. And then she and G invited me later on today to go but I didn't feel like it, haha. They just shop too much in my opinion :P