Thursday, March 02, 2006

OK I lied, I didn't feel like postin yesterday. I think I was havin one of those retrospective, I-don't-feel-like-myself-in-the-bad-way moments last night. Godwin was probably contributing to that. He was havin one of HIS moods yesterday at work and was all glum and 'life sucks' so that rubbed off on me. I'm pretty sure somethin was goin on with him but of course he wouldn't say anythin about he'd been at work for about 8 hrs so can't blame the guy for bein cranky!

Anyway, I'd like to say I'm not an alcoholic but I did have a drink cuz you know what? I do like to dull myself sometimes with a little booze. Yeah I know that sounds bad but really, I don't have a problem. I don't drink to the point of gettin drunk (unless I'm out partyin) and I don't hide it from ppl or I don't sneak a sip here and there while I'm at work or anythin. How could I be an alky? I wasn't BUILT to drink, haha. Low tolerance, no enzymes, what's a girl to do? :P

Now that I've had my share time...who wants to hear about the ongoings of my life from since last weekend?

Ummmm...Fri I didn't do anythin except watch a chunk of Cruel Intentions on TV then I went to bed cuz I had work in the morning. You are jealous of my social life, it's OK you can say it.

So Sat was frickin gettin up at 8 am when the store doesn't even open til 10. How I love hr-long morning meetings. Fuckin Clarence up in my business again. I swear, that guy has somethin to prove or whatever cuz he's a first-time manager. He's so by-the-books anal that it's annoying to the point that everyone doesn't like him or is scared of him. Honestly, if a couple of us happen to be together and we see him comin, we run off in different directions cuz he WILL say somethin. Sometimes it's kinda funny cuz we're like, "It's Clarence! Find somethin to do!" and we go pretend we're busy tidyin up, haha. But most of the time, it just makes me think of how I hate workin in this kind of environment.

ANYWAYS. Besides that, it was alright. I'm stayin in Comm not and not movin to Appliances like they said. They're puttin Jim from Home Theatre there cuz it just makes more sense since he's got White Goods training and I'm already trained in product stuff where I am. Dini got transferred to Customer Service like she wanted and I'm stayin in Comm hell. But me and her...we got out! Hahaha. Nobody wants to be in Appliances.

Lid was workin too so she price-matched my cell phone so I got almost $40 back on a gift card. Which I used to buy the Wallace & Grommit DVD :) The 2-disc set, with the Were-Rabbit movie and with the 3 short films they made before that. Adorable bunnies, sheep, and an evil penguin!

So Sat night, I went out with Godwin to JackAss cuz he's totally in love with their Frozen Raspberry Twister. We ate and then drank, drank, drank. We had Twisters, beers, and shots. It was good. Godwin got me to chug beer even tho I was all, you can't get me to drink that shit :P

It was weird that I wasn't gettin drunk, like, immediately...but then it kicked in after. And Godwin doesn't even GET drunk. He's such a big guy, it probably takes like 28 beers to get tipsy. So yeah, he was totally fine to drive, no worries.

Then I had some weird half-assed arranged meet-up with my girl Ashley who I haven't seen in forever. I was for the most part wasted, haha. Not really the best condition to catch up with someone but it's OK, I wasn't meetin the Queen of England for dinner at her palace :P It was awesome seein her but I gotta say, I don't remember much, haha. I know we had a good (if not rambling) talk! And there was a nice smell of vanilla...that may have been her or my gum, haha. Love ya, Ash! :)

After that, we went on some random drivin adventure in the boonies in the middle of PURE nowhere! But Godwin knew where he was goin cuz apparently he used to go on solo drives in those areas a lot. So it's the middle of the night and we're just goin around these deserted roads just cuz we can. It was freaky. Dark and empty and removed. The stuff scary movies are made of, haha. But it was a lot of fun. I took a lot of pictures and a wicked video complete with commentary ;)

So thank goodness I actually had a later shift the next day at work. Me and Evan usually open and close together on Sundays but I started at noon. Sun was sweet! We both sold a lot and got PSP! Our dept actually made budget, haha.

I had 2 deaf guys lookin at cameras and it was interesting communicating with them. No assholes or bitches to report. I had a couple of last customers who wanted a whole bunch of things near closing (why are the big purchases always when we're closing??) but I sure as hell wasn't complaining cuz they totally made my commission numbers. But the time everythin was done it was 6:30. Then Evan was finishin up the tills and he picks up a credit card and was like, don't tell me this was theirs. I was like, OH FUCK!! I knew I forgot somethin! I had this feeling the whole transaction wasn't complete, haha. So I RAN out to the parkin lot (and almost killed myself on a slippery spot on the floor) and thank god they had just left and hadn't made it to their car yet. They didn't even realize they forgot it either so it wasn't like they were mad or anythin.

I'm supposed to meet with Clarence every day I work (are you kiddin me) to go over my sales printout, etc. to see how I'm doin and if I'm improving my percentages and such garbage. But he was tied up with customers after closing too and I actually had a good day so he can't say jack, but I booked it outta there anyway :P

That night after work, I chilled at home. Watched a Wallace & Grommit short, uploaded my pix, talked on MSN. Evan later told me that he somehow went home with the receipts from one of the tills in his pocket LOL Godwin burned me a copy of 30STM's latest CD...well a 2nd one cuz he somehow effed up the 1st one with mangled vocals and areas that skipped. So now I'm listenin to "A Beautiful Lie" all the time to get caught up with music in time for their show :) They changed the venue from The Opera House to the Guvernment, which kinda sucks cuz I wanted to see what the Opera House was like...and now with more room, there'll be more potential to die by moshers/thrashers.

So Mon and Tues I had some ridiculous 6-9 shifts. Why do they even schedule me for those, I don't know...there is nobody there near the end of the night on weekdays. Thank god for Clarence not bein there, otherwise I would've been lectured on how I made barely 3 bucks each night. And that's only cuz I went out of my dept and sold stuff I didn't know anythin about, like flash drives for computers :P Yesterday was even worse tho cuz I COULD have gotten a decent sale or two but Kane always shows up at the right time for the right customer who ends up buyin multiple items or a nice camera. Like this nice man who was askin me about camcorders but he was pretty much just lookin and would come back when he'd done more research. Didn't get a sale outta that, that's fine, I'm there to help. Then he goes off to find his wife and I thought that was that. He didn't say anythin about wantin to look at digital cameras. I take a walk around the kiosk and there he is on the other side where the cameras are with his wife and kid. And they're talkin to Kane. They ended up buyin a camera AND PSP! Frig it!! And I know they weren't gettin PSP just cuz Kane was presenting it well, it was cuz the man had bought it for his previous camcorder which now had to be fixed so I had set it up nicely for when/if he was buyin any of the camcorders he was lookin at with me, so he already knew all the benefits and how it works, etc. That's my luck! And this always happens!

Like if multiple customers approach, I have no idea what any of them need specifically so I go to help one (or whoever reaches me first or whoever is closer to me) and Kane (or Evan) helps the other. The one that I help is more often than not a customer who needs to find the right $20 leather case that fits their phone...while the customer that Kane or Evan helps out is lookin to buy a camera and alllllll the accessories plus the service plan. ARGH!!

So that was my week up to this point. I also asked for this weekend off in my email reply to the manager's availability schedule. Maybe I could visit my friend down in London for a couple days but either my manager didn't care or overlooked it cuz I didn't get it. I'm scheduled Sat night. The only reason why I'm not askin him about it is cuz my friend is on break in FL right now and won't be back til Sat (dunno what time) so I figured it wouldn't be worth the money or takin the Greyhound for 2 hrs for just one night if I went after work anyway.

I just checked my email and the manager's now gonna be sendin everyone's schedule for the next week by Excel emails. I have Sun off...which is pointless since I don't have Sat off like I had asked! So it just feels like a waste of a day off since I'm not really usin it to go anywhere.

Le sigh. I'm goin to the mall with G and Heather.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It's March! Crazy.

I had a 6-9 shift tonight, haha. Jealous?? No, you shouldn't be...I made about $3. Totally pointless. Yet I still love it cuz I don't work much at all and 3 hrs in that place towards closing time is cake. And I'm doin it again tomorrow!

Proper post for y'all then. Goin to sleep now.