Thursday, January 09, 2003

Why am I feelin so blah? You know, sittin on the bus with nuthin to do but sit there and stare makes ya think a lot. Before, I was unconscious of the things I think about and now that I pay attention to it, it's weird. Just some of the most random stuff...sometimes pretty deep...actually that happens more when I have my music on. Listenin to music plays into my brain. It's what I call 'movie music', like melodramatic stuff that goes with emotions, those silent parts where the character's just there lookin out a window or feelin bad or daydreamin. Sadness can be beautiful, beauty can be tragic.
Coldplay's The Scientist is playin. That thing is so sad, makes my heart dip. Aw, whatta softie moment. Somethin's wrong with me, I listen to sad/depressing music when I'm kinda down even tho I know it's not helpin me at all. Even tho it's the shittiest feelin in the world. It's like Michelle Branch's song Sweet Misery, I think that's what it is. I think I like misery messed up is that? Well I've always thought that if you're gonna go one way, go a test, fail with flair...pass, pass with flyin colours...kick ass, kick ass hardcore. Got hit in the throat, guess it makes sense. Watch me be all up in the cheeriness tomorrow.

The bus OMG the bus! The frickin TTC! Goin to school the 60C had to turn into another route bus or whatever so it wasn't gonna go into campus cuz some other bus broke down and the driver had to take the route so everybody who wanted to go the uni had to get off and wait for the next one at the bus stop. Oh, and I was late again for this class, my bad :P But it was by 10 mins this time, I'm gettin better LOL I wasn't late for my next class tho! Women and Film II (I'm takin all these 2nd half classes without even takin the first :P) I was actually early...but that's only cuz it was at 7 and I was already at school heehee. Still, art class was done half an hr early so I had more than 2 hrs with nuthin to do and the bitches at the library got smart and changed the comps so you couldn't do MSN Messenger or write email, just read it. I used to have a sneaky way of gettin it thru Google but even that don't work no more. OK, it's fine cuz they're library comps and they're for library use etc etc but even in the Bear Pit where they're for anythin, ugh. I see a couple ppl usin it in the library tho and I'm like, fuck how'd you get that?? So I couldn't chat or email or nuthin so I read the newspaper in the library and ate and took a nap at the study desks. Friggin hell, I woke up and I had like a wet spot on my leg on my jeans and I'm like wtf, did I drool on myself or somethin?? LOL Cuz I was sittin in a chair and hunched over on the desk with my head on my arms. I'm a classy gal. And I also got red marks on my forehead and arms from lyin on my arms so my coat gave me lines :P I went to the bathroom before class and I saw this and I'm like great, I gotta go to class like this. Tony's in this class too! LOL I saw him in the hall at break and I'm like what are the odds but I figured he was there for another class and he was talkin to someone and I had to pee so I didn't talk to him. I'm goin back to class and I see him comin too so I looked over and popped my head out from the door and he sees me so we're both, hey! I'm like, dude you're followin me! LOL I for real didn't see him in class this time so he sat next to me later. OK so goin home, I had to bus it too so Tony walks with me to the stop and he goes and gets somethin to eat and the line's pretty damn long and I'm waitin inside the doors so I figure I'd go to the bathroom cuz I had to pee again (drank a lotta water that night, so hungry! LOL) and if I made it back in time, the bus wouldn't have come yet. Ppl are still boardin when I come back out and it's packed, I'm like the 2nd last person to get on and some guy asks the driver how long it'll be for the next one to come and he says 20 mins and I'm like, well that's kinda long and it's late and I just wanna get home and I'm hungry blah blah blah so thank goodness I caught this one. Ironic of course, this bus also happens to break down. So we do the whole get off and board the next one biz, the only good thing about this was since I was standin near the front of the broken down bus, I got off quick so I got a seat and everybody who had a seat before now had to stand in this packed one :) Oh and of course, the batteries in my Walkman crapped out again. No class tomorrow, yay! I can't take much more of this :P

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Woke up at 9:30...little sleep again...finally finished that biatch of a film tho. YEAH!! It was so ghetto but I don't care, I don't care! Good thing my prof doesn't care about the report part so now I have til the end of the week to email that in. Now, that class is officially done. BUT I was late to first day of American Film by like an hr LOL Ooooops! Damn. I WILL be gettin more sleep and goin to bed earlier, I will!
Blueberry's exactly where I left her last night, I don't think she's moved all this time. Just sits in her lil barrel hut sleepin. Should be no prob takin care of her :P But Al's gone for sure now. Should be in HK by now. I saw her like 3 times over the weekend, each time thinkin that was the last time LOL Now I gotta remember not to call her cell or that she won't be home for 4 months so I can't ask her for nuthin.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

LOL I was late for first day of class again, new course too! Well I think it's my own lil tradition, 4 yrs runnin. Wasn't too bad, as good as art history can be. Couldn't make it thru, fell asleep in class...on the bus too...and then took a long nap when I got home :P
Guess who's got Blueberry?? Al made me take her friggin hedgehog while she's gone! I had to drive to her damn house and pick the thing up. (I'd just like to take this sec to say my car is a piece of old crap...amongst other things, it fuckin had ice on the INSIDE of the rear window, Al's friend was scrapin it for me and he's like, um it's on the inside, I'm scrapin at nuthin!) Blueberry's in a bigass cage thing and she smells LOL So now I gotta feed it and all that and go to the pet store and get wood chips (s'gotta be PINE) and shit. Speakin of shit, that's what it smells like!! And ya can't even really play with it, she used to not like to be touched and ya gotta wear gloves for it :P Useless pet. Oh well, besides Al's written instructions, all I gotta do it keep it alive :P Welcome to the animal kingdom, my pretties.
Well now I'm workin on my final film project and the critique stuff which I gotta crack on. After tomorrow, all that will be over and that class will officially be done. LOL Guess I'll be seein Tony, if I go that is...we're all meeting at 6, after I have my American Film II class (the one I dropped last yr cuz I skipped so much I was gonna fail LOL), don't wanna be there to show my movie. And my crap printer still ain't workin so I figure I'll email it. K I guess I should get back to it :P

Sunday, January 05, 2003

Al's party was at D&B's, fun times. Got to see Mike, Jason, Chrissy, Deb, and all of Al's other friends :) Tho, Mickey and Jay weren't there, the punks. Won everybody at pool...except for Jase, twice :P Cheatin bastard, stop with your crazy voodoo vibes on the table dammit, makin my shots all wack LOL That's OK, I've come to the theory that I can beat all the girls at least LOL Boogershnots, Al! :D Still don't get the thing with the shuffleboard, ppl LOL. G couldn't go cuz of how she hit the curb the other day so she's in shit cuz the alignment's fucked up, ooooh. I was seein Al today anyway (got up at 8 friggin 30 am, left at 8 pm!!) cuz I had to FINALLY do my film project that I haven't touched since the beginnin of Dec and is due on Tues :P Exploited her for her comp and her editing program :) Got the damn thing done but it needs so much more work that I'm not gonna give it LOL It's like a min under. Man, I really shoulda spent more time on it, actually coulda been pretty good. Oh wells! Still gotta write up the stupid critique or whatever. I'm so tired. And tomorrow school starts again, noooooo! And of course, my new class is at 11:30, meanin I get up at 9. I'm cryin now.