Saturday, January 04, 2003

Went to the AGO, thought I'd get some culture LOL Naw, Pris wanted to see the French Paradise exhibit...sounds kinda dirty LOL It's Gaugain, Picasso, Cezanne, and other ppl. Goin to Al's goin away party tonight. I'm gonna miss her so much! 4 and a half months is kinda long but I'm sure it'll pass by before I know it. Should be good times, everybody should be comin so I'll get to see them all again...and then say goodbye to Al! :(

Friday, January 03, 2003

K well here's New Yr's...we were at the Marriot, pretty nice place. And a lot cheaper this time around, weird. It's kinda a big place and it's in the middle of all the buncha hotels in Mississauga where Karma Klub is. Got there around 6 I think so we had a few hrs to chill before doors opened at Karma. It was fancier than we're used to (we're students, not a lotta dough :P) so we weren't really expectin like, valet parkin and bellboys so I was diggin the fact that we got doormen LOL Nice touch tho, since we had so much crap to carry with us. Our room was all the way at the end, hallway after hallway. It was kinda small but it was OK since we don't need that much space. It was really weird...the sink was outside the bathroom! Like there's the wall where the closest was so it kinda separates the bed area from the sink area but the toilet and the tub was in another room. So you hafta do all your hygiene biz out in the open practically. And the lights for the sink mirror and the bathroom was outside the bathroom where the sink was so if someone was in the shower, you could turn off the light :P There's some light switch that looked like a timer dial (it was makin a tickin sound and went up to 20 mins? WEIRD) in the bathroom if that did happen but it's at the other wall so you'd hafta like get outta the tub and turn it on I guess. I did it to G once by accident and she yelled from the shower LOL Messed up bathroom stuff this hotel's got. The TV was pretty difficult for G and L to work LOL Dorks. Apparently they didn't know how to use the up and down channel buttons and almost ordered porn LOL And for the 2nd yr in a row, even after we said we would remember this time, we forgot to bring a bottle opener again!! LOL Geez. Oh well, we only had 1 bottle that wasn't a twist-off and G didn't end up drinkin it. We went to get ice and had to go down the hall to the machine (somethin always happens when we go for ice for some reason). The machine was kinda givin me probs and a whole buncha ice came tumblin out, we made such a ruckus with the noise. We obviously thought we were alone (we brought the video cam too LOL) and I looked around the corner and saw some guy down the hall lookin over and doin a double take. Thought he worked there cuz I think he had the hotel shirt and a name tag thingy so I'm like oops! I thought of doin a retarded thing like sayin happy new yr to everybody I saw but I decided on startin after this guy :P There was this one spot in the hall where it was really cold and the vents smelled like apple pie LOL I dunno. And like everybody on our floor had some overpowerin fragrance problem, we could always smell somebody's perfume or cologne...waaaay too much, ppl! Esp since there was no one to be seen, we could just smell their after-presence :P There was so many ppl we caught peepin outta their rooms so we got a lotta lookers. We ordered pizza as we always do on New Yr's, friggin late tho, took like an hr somethin, shoulda got that shit for free! Got G tastin Southern Comfort on tape LOL I didn't really drink, SO PROUD of myself!! LOL New Yr's and I wasn't drunk!! K maybe a lil on edge, not buzzed, but most importantly, I didn't throw up once. See, alcohol? I don't need you to have fun! Not really anyway :) Well, we hadn't gotten ready yet but me and L went explorin around the hotel. About 6 or more guys were in the lobby talkin about how to sneak ppl into rooms cuz the hotel was gettin tight about who was in what room. They had some higher security cuz of New Yr's I guess so after 7, ppl had to show their room keys to the hotel peeps at the elevators and tell everybody who was in your room's names on a list. So they were tryin to scam some biz with even more 440 baby! ;) LOL So we went back up to our floor and we just got out and walked out of the elevator area when some loud bonging noise goes off on the loudspeakers and scared the fuck outta me and the doors we just walked past suddenly closed by themselves so we were like WTF?!? It's a fuckin fire alarm! Me and L are debatin on what to do, go outside cuz our room's right next to the fire exit door or go back to the room and get G LOL Somebody comes on the speakers and says there some potential fire issue in the main lobby and the fire dept was on its way, please remain calm and all that. So we go back in the room cuz we figure G would be freakin what to do by herself LOL and get our gear and see if anybody else on the floor is leavin too. There wasn't and they said to stay in your rooms and wait. So we had to wait a bit for it to be over. We saw the fire trucks come outside our window and they said it was taken care of after so then we could start gettin ready. I was thinkin twice about takin a shower in case somethin else happened :P Of all things, a fire alarm in a hotel.
Ugh, these damn hotels, that's 2 of them now, that don't give you shower caps LOL I had to put up my hair while I was takin a shower but I ended up gettin it all wet anyway. But surprisingly it ended up lookin better after I dried and straightened it unlike how it usually does by kinkin and frizzin :) I had so much issue with the top I was gonna wear. L and G were at my house before we left and helpin me pick out what to wear and that took a while so I took like 4 diff tops to decide at the hotel. There was all this stuff about my bra showin in the back, the colour, the colour of the bra LOL and G's stubborness with stayin with the red shirt since she was wearin red and L was wearin black and I'd top off the trio with wearin red and black :P Even tho G's dress was a dark maroon...nerd.
The club was pretty close to our hotel. L and G are so friggin lazy and have some abnormal thing with bein colder than most ppl so they're always bitchin about it bein so cold outside and it really wasn't so they wanted to call a cab. Drivin there with our own car was difficult with the parkin space and parkin $$ and whatnot. So it bein New Yr's they figured there wouldn't be a lotta cabs around but I said there'd be a taxi stand outside. No, they call downstairs to try to get a cab here. The front desk was tryin to connect G with a cab company and G bein a dumbass sometimes, stayed on the line while talkin to them or whatever so that counted as an outside call and that was a dollar somethin charge to the room :P She was havin trouble I dunno so we tried the front desk ourselves and they tried but whatever. So we're like let's just go outside and try to get one, like I SAID. So the doormen gets the door for us and asks if we need a cab and we say yeah. He just calls the cab waitin down there and it comes right over and he tells the driver where we need to go LOL The magic of doormen! There WAS a reason I was so into them LOL Stupid losers, if they only listened to me...again. For real, the ride wasn't even 5 mins, a whole 4 bucks LOL
The whole set up of the place was confusin cuz it's all the hotels and clubs that're attached to them all in one like, plaza. We found Karma and of course there was a big line. The wait wasn't too bad this yr tho, just about half an hr. The coat check line, damn! That always takes hrs. So we're waitin in line and we weren't sure it was for coat check cuz ppl kept walkin up the the front (there was a line for the girls' bathroom too LOL) so me and L went to ask some security guys if that's where it was. He said it was but he said we can go downstairs with our coats cuz they weren't takin anymore ppl at coatcheck and we're like screw that. G was still in line and we had to tell them our friend was in line waitin still so it totally sounded we were lyin :P Whatev. We waited in line for like an hr. Goddamn, they always move so slow I don't get it. We were stressin cuz it was gettin closer and closer to midnight. Guess we shoulda left for the club a bit earlier :P We always end up in coat check line til it's almost 12. So we're movin but not fast enough and the DJ was sayin the time every now and then. Half an hr til midnight, 20 mins, 10 mins. We were gettin there but outta nowhere these chicks come up and cut in front of everyone and expect them to get their coats put away. Whatever, bitches, backa the line's over there! There's like 6 of them and they were gettin told by some other chick who looked like the kinda person you wouldn't mess with but somehow they ended up in front of us anyway. THEN the ticket machine breaks down and they gotta get the manual tix to hand out so that took even more time. It's like 2 mins to 12 by now and we know we're gonna be stuck in line by midnight. We're just like OMG hurry the hell up! Come onnnnn! LOL We actually coulda made it with seconds to go if those fuckin ho's weren't there and I'm thinkin the machine wouldn't have bruck if it was us cuz it was just 3 of us. So they start the countdown and we're like fuck, we're goin in the new yr in the coatcheck line :P We beat it by like 20 mins last yr LOL
The actual club was decent, not as nice as I thought it would be like they say it is...couldn't find the big Buddha tho! It was too friggin packed in the main room where Baby Blue Soundcrew was so we made our way around the whole club and stayed in the other room where the floor had like 10 ppl. It got better tho, the music hyped up and and we were like wooo! when more ppl came on. We kept switchin rooms, the main room was crunk and we actually found space on the floor. Back in the other room, a fight broke out right near us and L bein the paranoid freak she is was buggin and was like let's get the fuck outta here LOL and dragged us out. I saw the guys punchin eachother and a cig got thrown and sparks were flyin everywhere and I thought somebody bashed a bottle over his head or somethin. They kept comin around to where we were tho so we almost walked in circle LOL but we got to the steps and chilled where the pool tables were til they got that over with. Security guys came runnin and we saw them take the guys away. The resta the night at the club was fun...of course, gettin groped and guys tryna grind with me LOL Um no. Always comin up behind me so I can't see and I had to push off the non-hot ones aways off my back LOL A buncha other nonsene with guys but I'm not goin into that cuz this is enough to write as it is :P
We woulda stayed a lot later if G and L weren't bitchin about how much their feet were hurtin EVEN THO I told them not to wear stupid ass painful boots AGAIN like they always always insist on wearin when we go clubbin. We're leavin the club and there's that cab biz again cuz we couldn't exactly call one ahead from the club to pick us up or whatev so we're like let's just grab one outside at the front. There's a buncha other ppl tryin to get one too and there weren't a lot comin so I'm just like let's just walk dammit. I got hollered at and I'm like who said that, where's that comin from? And it's some guy with this head out the window in the hotel next to the club like 10 stories up LOL He's like yeah, you in the red shirt! I'm like WTF? My jacket was open but I'm like, he can see the colour of my shirt from that far?? LOL It was dark and I couldn't really see what he looked like but I was still walkin so by the time I looked up for a few secs we were under the hotel overhang thing and I couldn't see him no more so I didn't holla back :P Oh and when we came outta the club, there were a buncha cops hangin around in case of trouble and shit and they had some drunk guy arrested givin them probs LOL And the guy with his friends standin outside the pool area in the plaza walkway thing (kinda looked like a mall) outta nowhere he's yellin "But I've got a Speedo under my suit, I've got a Speedo under my suit!" LOL He kept yellin this like 5 times. Musta been drunk and wanted to go swimmin LOL
So we're walkin back to the hotel and we're walkin arm in arm cuz L and G were cold of course and we got a whole new buncha guys hollerin at us...walkin on the sidewalk, from their cars LOL Traded Happy New Yr's with them and hollered back and whatever. L and G are bitchin the whole time and cryin about how much there is to go LOL It was like a 15 min walk, please. And it wasn't even that cold, no snow or nuthin. We could friggin see the hotel from the club, come on. I had to motivate them the whole way and get their minds off bein cold (they were wearin skirts too, figures...dumbasses!) and I was bein funny and crazy and all that shit and they call me drunk LOL I so wasn't. Just in a silly mood. I just about lost my voice from yellin in the club so much too so I sounded FUCKED. I can't even describe what I sounded like, probably like a 12 yr old boy goin thru puberty LOL And when I was laughin, it sounded even more messed so that made me laugh even more and they were laughin at me so it just made it worse LOL We finally make it to the hotel and some guy in a suit standin outside blocks us and starts all this talk about I dunno, I don't even remember, I think he was drinkin :P but then he said somethin like, so you girls have bfs? And we're like YES and walk on by LOL He said somethin after that too and it was funny but I forget :P He was cute. I thought he worked at the hotel or somethin tho and they told me he was just some random guy and I'm like for real?? Ohhh! Cuz he was in a a nice suit and all. I woulda hit that no doubt then LOL Oh wells. Saw some more ppl in their rooms. Half-naked guy lookin outta his room with his friend LOL A buncha chicks and a guy in their PJs takin a pizza. The lobby had a lotta ppl still around cuz the hotel was doin their own party thing. Looked nice, fancy. My feet suddenly hurt like a bitch, like the skin on my soles felt like I was steppin on sharp rocks the whole night. Went to sleep around 5:30 and checkout time was 12 so we had to get up earlier than I thought, DAMMIT. L sets her alarm for 10 and I'm like fuck you I'm not doin 10, you can if you want but I'll be sleepin a lil longer. Son of a bitch, I'll be gettin up in less than 5 hrs the most.
Me and G are sharin a bed cuz L somehow got her way as always and got her own. I'm half asleep in the morning and I'm havin some weird dream with L on her phone and it's ringin and I kinda wake up and all I hear is "The fuck are you callin for? What do you want?...Everybody's sleepin!" LOL The phone really did ring so that was weird. It was her mom LOL She thought we had an earlier checkout time and that we'd be up already. So L was bitchin at her and her mom's like oh! OK! Go back to sleep! LOL It was about 10 in a few anyway and I wouldn't get back to sleep, weird I wasn't tired tho. L apparently has never made coffee in her life and was strugglin with the coffee machine and I had to help. All ya gots to do is put the thing in, pour water in it and press ON, I don't get it LOL Checked out at like 11:30, a whole damn half an hr than necessary :P
So I get home around 12...unpacked, watched some TV, slept (it finally hit me hrs later), ate, then went back out again :P Wasn't a mad bomb-ass time but it was fun. G didn't think it would be esp since she doesn't like hip hop too much and reggae either even tho this was a Flow jam LOL but hey, who was right again? It was def interesting!

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

I hope to god my licence pix turned out OK, cuz then it's 5 more yrs of a crappyass pic that every bouncer will get to see :P Man, it's too early to leave for New Yr's Eve already but hey, we got a hotel room wooohooo! LOL Well, gotta bounce!

G is such an ass. Tells me to wake up at 11 so she can drop off the money for her New Yr's ticket at Karma cuz she's gotta work at 12, I'm like fiiiiiine. I went to sleep at like 3:30 and I actually wake up in time cuz I know if I don't, she'll bitch and ring my doorbell and call my house until I do. It's gettin to 11:30, I'm like G man, you're gonna be late but oh well. I'm still in bed...whatever, when she gets here she'll call. It's almost 12 so I'm like screw, I'm goin to sleep cuz somethin's obviously up. Turns out she started at 9 and couldn't call me til she did at like 1. Idiot!
So we all went and got the tix together after she was done work and booked the hotel room. So all that shit's done. Now I gots to find me some more money. Hit the liquor store for some booze...for them of course. I can't drink, I just can't! But it's friggin New Yrs! *crying* ARGH. I dunno I dunno! We'll see what happens, I'm sure I'll be writin about it the day after.
Got my hair cut. I'm goin to renew my driver's licence tomorrow and they're goin take my pic. Thank god cuz the one I have now is shitty. I hate pix, I don't DO pix LOL Please please let this one turn out decent this time! Gotta squeeze that in tomorrow before packin for the night, then jettin to go to Sauga. Should be fun times.