Saturday, February 12, 2005

I'm always doin these 2 am posts to my blog. But those are my hrs so what're you gonna do? I was supposed to go with Al and her old grade school friends to Seven tonight but I thought better of it. Fun is makin me poor. Then there was the whole ride situation...and cover, geez! And I think tonight was their Lock & Key party for Valentine's Day weekend. Guys get locks and girls get keys or vice versa I dunno, and they try to find their match. Haha, good luck with that, Al!

I'd rather go out Sat night for a Vday party but I really dunno what's goin on these days. Me and L went out to dinner at East Side, then P called after work and wanted to do somethin. We couldn't decide on what to do for the life of us so we went to see Hitch. Really good movie, not so cutesy and lovey but still sweet and funny. The end where they all danced was jokes. And who remembers that song from back in the day..."Now that we found love what're we gonna do? With iiiiiiiit!" Haha, awesome.

Before we went into the movie, me and L were ahead of P just as she was at the old man who's always there rippin the ticket stubs. Some random man comes up and is like, excuse me, excuse me. He said it in such a tone like she had dropped somethin but I was further away so I didn't really hear what he was sayin. From the way he was talkin to her and this look on his face, I thought he was stoppin her cuz he thought she stole somethin or whatever :P We're all just like, wtf...who is this guy? I heard somethin like, no no this is very important. He went away and we asked P what that was about. He said he was some evangelist and he was there with his wife and that there was somethin about P and that she had a calling. WHAT THE?? We have no idea why he went up to her out of all the ppl around and what was with the complete randomness of the whole thing. We're at the movies, for cryin out loud. Very weird.

Since L pretty much loathes Q's, me and P went ourselves. That place just makes me feel better, if I'm in a crappy mood or if I'm doin just fine. Usual suspects were there, good times. P didn't change off her clothes from work so she was dressed up. I had to match so I had to change while we were at my house, haha. She makes such a DEAL :P

Friday, February 11, 2005

If you can't decide between 2 them both :P We didn't know whether to hit Honest Lawyer or Fox & Fiddle, so why choose?

Apparently tonight was live band night at Lawyer and the band was OK but the chick who was singin was just bad. Al was most vocal about that, haha. We told her to go up to her and say, "It's amateur karaoke night tonight, right? Outta the way, it's my turn." Hahaha. Even the ppl sittin in the booth right behind us thought she was crap too. We all groaned when the band came back for a 2nd set and ruined the normal top 40 they had playin.

We were playin pool and there was some animosity from the other table during that bit but whatever. Al was ready to jump on somebody, haha. Like what the hell, just mind your business and relax. You know like when ppl think you're lookin at them and think there's somethin goin on about it? When really, nothing was even remotely about them. Nobody was even lookin in that direction. Anyway.

Then we bounced cuz the music and the ppl just weren't doin it so we went to Fox. We eat and drink at Lawyer and dance at Fox ;) P ran into some girls who are clients at her work so we danced with them after Al and L gave it up after a while. Some crazy bitches, haha. But friggin ugh guys comin around with their beer breath. Get away from me.

L and Al wanted to jet, L had an interview in the morning so classic P, she didn't wanna leave yet. It's the 'one more song, after this one' thing. So they went to get the car and they were like, we'll be out front...2 mins! Of course that didn't happen cuz there's just no gettin P to leave if good songs come on. We finally came out but the car wasn't there so we went to the parkin lot to look for it. No idea where it was...or where THEY were. Neither of us had our cells so we went back inside to use the pay phone to call them. The sluts took my car to Timmy's! We did the blame game but it wasn't on me :P Tell me to be outside when you jack my car and take it elsewhere...fuckers, haha.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

What's goin on with me...I feel like my mind is in limbo or somethin...or my soul :P Weird place, I'm just in a weird place.

And that was such a rant-y, freak sentence there. So vague and cryptic, haha.

Geez, I'm drinkin cold coffee and it's takin me like an hr to finish this sandwich.

I did have somethin substantial to write about, I really did. Moo.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I always come back with some story about Q's. Well it made my day better! I've been up since 8 am, why do I do this to myself? :P I was all ready to just couch the day away like I usually do on Tuesdays cuz I'm tired from school and little sleep, then P calls me cuz she did somethin crazyass with her hair at work and she wants to show me. This is also known as 'let's go to Q's while we're out and show it off to everyone else'. I half expected her to call and I did want to go to Q's so it was win-win.

P is BLONDE!!! Her hair looks sick! You wouldn't think it works on her but it does. So rightfully, we had to go show our Q boys. But first, we dropped by L's work to see if we'd catch her comin off and we did a quick drive-by to flaunt the hair.

Why is it when I'm bummin it, Shane and them are there but the few times I get to fix myself up nice, they're not? Sucks to be me, haha. Oh well. So yeah, they were all there tonight...Shane, Adam, Ian, Mike. And Craig and Shaun, the brothers from hs! It's cool runnin into them. We might go clubbin with them sometime.

Blondes do have more fun apparently, if ya ask P!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My day started out fantastically. First off, I was undeniably late in gettin goin this morning and thus, the powers that be situate themselves accordingly and make the weather terrible, the buses extremely slow, and the ppl on the bus annoying. I stepped in a puddle walkin to the bus stop, except that it was a small lake. I thought I could get around it by goin on the snow but it was just snow coverin slush hidin the water underneath. I got it up to over my ankles. Oh and I didn't step in it just once but about 5 times cuz it was a big thing to go around and I had no choice but to hot-step it thru. My shoes, socks, and jeans were soaked. And the day had just begun. I had to ride the bus for an hr and a half before I could even think about goin to the bathroom at school to dry myself. Since I was already late, I wasn't gonna sit and suffer in wet socks. Yes, I took my socks off and dried them under the hand dryer. DOESN'T LOOK WEIRD AT ALL.

And the resta the day just went downhill from there. Well it wasn't actually that bad but nothing good happened. I didn't get all the readings done, I came in during a presentation, I was sleepy all thru the class...all meaning that I didn't participate after all. I know the prof was lookin at me, he made it a point that the undergrads weren't sayin much and that he was givin them a chance to say somethin. DAMN it. I didn't even care about photocopyin the next readings, I just wanted outta there. Besides, it's Reading Week next week so whatev. Too bad the essay's due then.

There's so much stuff comin up...Valentine's Day (not a big deal in the romantic bf/gf sense but us single girls just go out and have fun with hit a club and find some mens, hooch hooch!), Reading Week, the Auto Show, Sex & the City night, got a dentist appointment, the Keane concert that's happenin this weekend.

Monay, monay, monay, monay, monay! Mo-NAY!

Monday, February 07, 2005

I always say I'll go to bed earlier, I'll try to sleep better...that never happens. I should be goin to bed in about 15 mins in order to get 8 hrs in before gettin up for class tomorrow but I know very well I won't. I still have all those readings to do. Cuz god knows I won't be doin them in the morning! What is it that I do all week that I don't do my school work? :P Couldn't tell ya. Well technically I didn't even have it til a few hrs ago so there's just absolutely nothing that can be done about that ;) I spent 2 bus tickets and photocopyin money for readings that I won't necessarily be tested on or checked for, yup. I better be karmically compensated for this, haha.

I had a really weird dream today but I won't get into what it was about. It musta been pretty damn good for me to sleep in til 3! I dunno what's goin on with me anymore.

So I'm talkin to Jay online right now. Here's the freaky thing: just yesterday I was thinkin about how I haven't talked to him in a while and maybe we could do somethin sometime, AS FRIENDS...and then today we're both on Messenger, which hasn't happened in a long time, and we chat...


ooh that scared me so bad haha


haha oh god you and your damn faces

what u lookin at

I KNOW you weren't talkin to me

i dont see anyone else here


bite me

ok we're not gonna play battle of the emoticons

y? cuz ull lose?

yes...cuz you're so much cooler than me that way

ya thats right im "cooler" than you

haha why did YOU put that in quotes? don't believe it yourself?

i was at joe this weekend

how was it? pick up any girls? haha

no lol
had a good time though

yeah joe's usually fun
still doin the army thing?

ya gf now
i was called for afgan

I have no idea what you just said

ya i got a gf now so no picking up
and i was called in to go to afganistan

ahh ok
so what's that mean, you're goin anytime soon?

i was supposed to go for work up training today
and leave in august

So he's got a gf now. Wonder if she knows I woulda had him if I actually wanted him, hahaha. Just kiddin, good for him. Very weird tho. Would it be weird to go to a movie in a non-date way if he's got a gf? It's not like I'd DO anythin...or want to do anythin...just to hang out, cuz he's cool to chill with. Or not...fine, whatever...I wasn't meant to have a lot of male friends, cuz there's no such thing in my universe apparently! :P

Awww Philly. I knew they were probably gonna lose but still, gotta root for the underdog. It gets boring if the same team keeps winnin. At least it was close. New England had a pretty good defense tho. I might not know all there is to know about football, like every rule and play but I know what's good and what's bad :P I even wore my old grade school jersey to L's party cuz it's dark green and white. I wore it for basketball but it's a mesh shirt more than a shiny tank top so it's OK. What's a bit unsettling is that I can still wear it. The same shirt from when I was 13 still fits, haha. Whatever, it was kinda big and it still is...just loose. Girls aren't supposed to grow THAT much, right? :S

Anyway, that was the most boring halftime show ever. Paul McCartney? I'm sorry, I know he was a Beatle but come on. I can't believe I missed last yr's and I caught this one. Man, they musta been scared shitless about what could possibly happen after the whole Janet thing so they put it on SAFE SAFE SAFE. Talk about extremes. And really, the jokes about wardrobe malfunctions after a yr are played out. Good game tho.

I brought over my popcorn machine and L and Vick were just fascinated by it for some reason. L owns the biggest bowl I have ever seen in my life, the popcorn made for a crowd fit just fine. You could carry 2 babies in it. We had pizza and wings and chips and drinks and I think I gave myself a stomach ache :P

Blah...back to Mon. Gotta go to the library for the readings cuz I 'promised' the prof I'd participate in the next class so I should know what the hell I'm talkin about.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

So we hit Q's after all :P I knew it was a matter of time before P called me, itchin to go out. Except that Ian was there but we won't get into dramatics. We saw Tom too. And there was a girl who came in with her friends and took the table next to us and I kept catchin her lookin at me but some ppl just stare or whatever so I didn't really think anythin of it. But apparently she kept lookin at P too but neither of us mentioned it to the other. Then the girl went to the bar and when she came back she was like, hi. It was Meen's cousin! And turns out she knew P from her sister. She was like, I come in all the time and I see you but you never say hi so I didn't wanna be that bitchy girl who knows you're there but not say anythin to you. P was like, ohhhh...cuz I was like, wtf is that girl starin at?? Haha. She knew my name and I was like, err???? How the hell? I totally didn't recognize her. Then she told us who she was. I thought maybe she looked a bit familiar but it didn't occur to me. She grew up! I hadn't seen her in yrs. I recognized the guy in the group cuz he went to hs with us tho. We talked about how I haven't even talked to Meen in like 2 months, that ass. Then made fun of what a geek she is, haha...about how we'd love to see her in a place like this just takin shots or somethin. She's like, one time I actually caught her smokin a cigarette and actin like it's no big deal. Cuz she is just NOT ALLOWED to do that. So we were about to jet when she's like, speakin of, we're just goin out smoke spliff? This girl is my new best friend. But I couldn't drive home all fucked up so I reluctantly declined.

So last night was foggy as hell, you couldn't see a foot in front of you on the roads. And that creepy road goin down to L's house with no streetlights or any kind of sign of civilization at all was 2 times as freaky. P's like, it's nice out, I like it. I'm like, no I can't see a damn's scary. She's like, noooo. Then we got to that stretch of road and suddenly it was pure dark except for my headlights and we're both like, ohhhhhhh!! She didn't think it was pretty anymore. Straight outta a horror movie, I'm tellin ghost story.

I dropped her off and I'm drivin home goin on residential streets. Outta nowhere, this cat comes out tryin to cross the road and I brake cuz I didn't see it til the last sec. I swear to god I hit it and I was like, OMG...I was just anticipating that I rolled over it with my left front tire and I squished it or somethin. But then it leaped out and ran back where it was on the other side and I watched it to see it was movin around OK and not missin a tail or whatever. It stayed there, like nervous to cross again so I went on. Holy shit, I got so scared. Gave me a heart attack. I just didn't see it at all esp since it was like a black/dark grey cat. Great, a black cat. WTF is it doin there just when I'm the only car around at 2 am? Frick.