Friday, February 11, 2005

If you can't decide between 2 them both :P We didn't know whether to hit Honest Lawyer or Fox & Fiddle, so why choose?

Apparently tonight was live band night at Lawyer and the band was OK but the chick who was singin was just bad. Al was most vocal about that, haha. We told her to go up to her and say, "It's amateur karaoke night tonight, right? Outta the way, it's my turn." Hahaha. Even the ppl sittin in the booth right behind us thought she was crap too. We all groaned when the band came back for a 2nd set and ruined the normal top 40 they had playin.

We were playin pool and there was some animosity from the other table during that bit but whatever. Al was ready to jump on somebody, haha. Like what the hell, just mind your business and relax. You know like when ppl think you're lookin at them and think there's somethin goin on about it? When really, nothing was even remotely about them. Nobody was even lookin in that direction. Anyway.

Then we bounced cuz the music and the ppl just weren't doin it so we went to Fox. We eat and drink at Lawyer and dance at Fox ;) P ran into some girls who are clients at her work so we danced with them after Al and L gave it up after a while. Some crazy bitches, haha. But friggin ugh guys comin around with their beer breath. Get away from me.

L and Al wanted to jet, L had an interview in the morning so classic P, she didn't wanna leave yet. It's the 'one more song, after this one' thing. So they went to get the car and they were like, we'll be out front...2 mins! Of course that didn't happen cuz there's just no gettin P to leave if good songs come on. We finally came out but the car wasn't there so we went to the parkin lot to look for it. No idea where it was...or where THEY were. Neither of us had our cells so we went back inside to use the pay phone to call them. The sluts took my car to Timmy's! We did the blame game but it wasn't on me :P Tell me to be outside when you jack my car and take it elsewhere...fuckers, haha.


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