Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I always come back with some story about Q's. Well it made my day better! I've been up since 8 am, why do I do this to myself? :P I was all ready to just couch the day away like I usually do on Tuesdays cuz I'm tired from school and little sleep, then P calls me cuz she did somethin crazyass with her hair at work and she wants to show me. This is also known as 'let's go to Q's while we're out and show it off to everyone else'. I half expected her to call and I did want to go to Q's so it was win-win.

P is BLONDE!!! Her hair looks sick! You wouldn't think it works on her but it does. So rightfully, we had to go show our Q boys. But first, we dropped by L's work to see if we'd catch her comin off and we did a quick drive-by to flaunt the hair.

Why is it when I'm bummin it, Shane and them are there but the few times I get to fix myself up nice, they're not? Sucks to be me, haha. Oh well. So yeah, they were all there tonight...Shane, Adam, Ian, Mike. And Craig and Shaun, the brothers from hs! It's cool runnin into them. We might go clubbin with them sometime.

Blondes do have more fun apparently, if ya ask P!


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