Saturday, February 05, 2005

The cash flow's runnin low so it was a poor girl's night. Me, L, and P went to Rogers to pick up some DVDs, then Shopper's for movie grub (and contact solution haha, yay late-night drugstores), and McD's to get dinner for P. Holy crap, can I just say that when they say supersize, they mean monster-size. Her Coke was enough for the 3 of us to drink...we even poured it out in glasses. Anyway, we watched The Grudge and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. P doesn't take horror movies well at all so we didn't bother considerin it but there wasn't much to choose from so she's just like, just get it, get it, let's get it over with! Haha, like she was on a fear-conquering mission.

It wasn't that scary...more like really, really creepy. But P made it oh so funny. And only ppl who have seen The Grudge will understand the following:


"Fuckin CRAZY!!"

"Hair, hair! Lots of hair!"

"Wow, she looks a lot....trashier."
"Well she's gotta pay off the apartment somehow, with her husband dead."

"You stupid woman! Dumb fuckin crazyass ppl! Why is everyone so damn curious?? Everybody likes to explore! Yeah, open that door! You hear a noise, you run! If that was me, I'd get the FUCK outta there!".....generally more of that stuff all thru the movie.

Sky Captain was alright. L and P got pretty bored. It's not a plot or character-driven movie :P It's cool to look at tho. L was on the couch across us and started puttin her hair over her face like in The Grudge and started to crawl onto the floor towards P and we started makin that throat sound...P freaked, hahaha. She's like, stop it, I'm not jokin...I don't wanna punch you in the head LOL Good times.

"You brought your own water?"
"That's not water."
"Then what is it?"
"Haha, what's clear like water?"
"Lemme taste!"


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