Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I have no purpose to my life, haha. I caught Oprah today and they were talkin about fears and livin your life like it was your last day and all that good stuff. And there was good ol' Phil from Amazing Race...he wrote a book! He was talkin about when asked what would you do if you knew you were gonna die the next day, most ppl didn't know what to answer. And I thought about it and I dunno either. I had ideas of goin to Europe and skydivin and things like that. I know they say not to wait to do things you wanna do but you know what, it's just not that easy. Like, I can't just up and do these kinda things. I suppose maybe in the future but then again, by that time it might be too late cuz ya just never know, and then that'll totally defeat the purpose...not to be morbid or anythin :P I know they say that tomorrow is never promised but I's kinda TOO intense to go all out day-by-day, ya know? Sometimes there ARE consequences to what you do and what you say and when/if you're still here the day after, you'll hafta deal with it. Still, I think it might be good to just drop all your inhibitions and stop carin about the rules and overthinkin everythin and just DO. Just say random things to strangers and not care what they somethin dangerous...tell someone how you really feel instead of waitin for the right time. I dunno, shit just holds you back sometimes.

I was gonna say how I did all this stuff today but really, it's all mundane in the bigger picture. I feel so fulfilled! Haha.

SNL this week is gonna rock my socks...Paris Hilton and Keane? Ohhhhh yes. I just found out that Keane's doin a concert a day before V-day and they've been on sale since like Oct. Dammit! I think they're sold out cuz the Ticketmaster page isn't bringin up anythin. Boo.


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