Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Well it's been a long damn day. I got up earlier than usual on Tues mornings yet I still got to class late...and even later than usual at that.

Then I was meetin John about my IS at 5:30 so I had more than 3 hrs to kill. I'm like, lalala....what can I do for all that time? Finish up that IS form with the list of all the film courses I've taken and researchin books for my topic in the library. Brilliant.

Then I went to find a study desk upstairs and took a nap. Before I did, some girl next to/in front of me asked for an extra pen. Which is fine, I gave it to her. Except that it was kinda weird...she whispered super super quietly even tho she was right next to me, face to face, that I hardly even heard her. Like, nobody cares if you talk normally just as long as you're not bein obnoxiously loud or you have a long annoying cell phone ringtone. Then when I gave her the pen, she just kept lookin at me for a sec kinda smilin and said thank you. In my head I'm like, OK. But I smile back and say you're welcome. I think she was lookin at my pen a bit strangely for a sec too. Cuz I gave her that fat green one that some guy threw at us in Wasaga...it's just not an everyday Bic is all I'm sayin. I'm preeeetty sure she wasn't tryin to come onto me but it was just...weird :P

Anyway, so John is awesome. Not only is he supervisin for me but he was so nice about it. And he remembers me from class last yr (it was a pretty big class)...aaaaaand he said I was a pretty good writer (from the last essay he had). Shocking. So that shit's outta the way! We filled out everythin and he even said he'd hand it to the lady for me tomorrow since yes, the film office was closed.

The day was pretty much: at the fine arts building for class, to the library to do some work, then to the fine arts building again to meet with John and pick up the readings for this week cuz they weren't there before, back to the library to photocopy them, and back to the fine arts building to put them back.

While I was ridin the bus home, there was an ad sign thing that has a picture of some guy doin some kinda formulas, math whatever the fuck it is, on a blackboard and it says somethin like, "Show everyone how intellectual you are...wait, you're already doin it...the TTC saves money, time, hassle, and the environment." I laughed, and not in the good way. 2 of the 4 are true. Time and hassle? My ass. So I think I jinxed myself there but also proved a point cuz the bus I was on suddenly became a short-turn one so that meant it wasn't goin where I needed to go. Ppl had to get off, get a transfer, and get the right bus. The driver says you can catch the one in front cuz it was a red light and they're both stopped so some of us get off and run to it before the light changes. No, this one's goin some other route too. And I appreciate the bus shelter, I do...glass over your head keeps the snow off but it's still damn cold out. Yup, definitely saved time and hassle.

And I got home at 8...11 hrs after I left the house this morning.

Bitch bitch bitch. Hey fuck you too.


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