Thursday, January 20, 2005

I really hafta start fixin this sleep cycle of mine. I only got up an hr ago just cuz Al called and got me outta bed for a bank emergency. And I went to sleep at 4 last night...this morning. Motivate me!

Well yesterday it was P who woke me up cuz she had some hair crisis at work and long story short, took the day off (she also has "orange" hair tho it's actually auburn now, she's a bit traumatized, haha). So wouldn't you know it, we went to Q's last night.

Do I go on enough about how I love my Q boys? It was pretty uck outside so it was kinda slow inside but then they eventually showed one by one: Shane, Tom, Adam, Brent (new one), Al, some other dude who's name I dunno but seems to be goin out with that chick who works there that P doesn't like :P I'll change her name to Kelly in the slight offchance that anyone who knows who I'm talkin about will read this. Anyway, I thought Kelly was startin to get friendlier to us cuz she was makin non-mean eye contact at least and talkin a bit. I think there's this weird, slightly tense vibe between her and P just cuz of the Ian history and I'm just whatever cuz I'm by association but I've never had a problem with her. I actually think she's kinda nice but there is no doubt the thing between them could be a lot better. Then you'd need the backstory of the times Kelly told her not to sit on the pool table and only her, and the thing with the pool cue. I just don't put the hate on anyone til they actually straight up did somethin to me, and to my face. Otherwise I don't care, like why waste your time on it? Fuck you, you know?

We went to Timmy's after with Shane and Adam and some kid named Frank. They were playin some game, I don't remember what it's called but of course I was just watchin cuz you know that thing about me and new card games :P Then Tom and Kelly and the bf came in cuz I guess Kelly got to close early and just leave the bar if no one's there, haha. So in the card game, if you get over a certain score, you're outtta the game. So Adam was out so he's like, I'm gonna go for a walk. We all thought that was cuz he was that mad about it cuz he gets competitive like that, haha. But he actually just wanted to head over to the bank to deposit a cheque. So I went with him. P tells me later that when we were gone Shane was sayin how he apparently wanted to do me LOL Not in those words but...I'm like, WHAAAAAT?? You know he's jokin. She's like, no, that's what I even told him, "If you said that to her, she'd think you were jokin." So I honestly just think it's really funny. They make me laugh. So Shane had to drive us back to Q's cuz we didn't take separate cars and then me and P headed home. She's like, I like bein with Adam and Shane...they make you feel hot, haha. Oh yeah, so I'm wearin just a tshirt and jeans with an Old Navy hat (a beanie or toque if you're so inclined) and Adam's all, you've never looked so sexy. What is THAT, since I wasn't anywhere near tryin to look even slightly more than publicly presentable, hahaha. The hat did it...and I only wore it cuz I didn't wanna deal with my hair.

Numbers....ohhhhh numbers :)


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