Saturday, January 08, 2005

Last night was some good times. At first I figured we weren't really gonna do anythin cuz everybody's just a suck sometimes so I thought if L wasn't down for anythin, then I'd call Jay or Larry up. Nothing's ever for sure around here. Fish calls me and wants to do somethin cuz she's got rare time off since school doesn't start for her til next week...maybe a movie or somethin. But I've seen almost everythin and I don't wanna really see anythin else new that came out so that was out. Then she decided she was gonna go play volleyball with that house league at the gym with Pris but then we could go out for coffee or to a cafe after that. Then P calls me after she gets home from work and wants to go for dinner cuz she had been workin the bridal show all day and hadn't gotten much to eat. So I gotta tell them both what's what and of course, more ppl call. This time it's Kim askin if I know where I can get weed, haha. I'm like, you were gonna smoke up tonight? Why didn't you call me?? ;) I said I'd call Lionel and see if somethin can get hooked up. Lionel wasn't answerin and when I went to call Kim back, I realized I didn't have her new cell number, haha. Smart. But she called me back cuz I guess she was really antsy about gettin her chronic. Called P back to see if she knew anyone she could call. Called Kim back to tell her that we'd find out later on. She's like, OK...we've got somethin in like an hr but if you can do sooner, then call me back about it, haha. So Kim's just chillin at her house with her other friends while P calls her friend/MANAGER from work and Ian about hittin up some weed, haha. But her friend was like, are you kiddin me? I'm sleepin. And Ian wasn't in the area. So that was that and me, P, and Fish were off to Demetre's for crepes :P It was like 12 o'clock and it was crammed. We saw Sarah there, haha. I'm like, does your sister know where you are? Then Fish was tired and wanted to head home but P as always didn't wanna yet so Fish dropped us off at my house and we took my car to Q's. Of course :P I guess I started to miss that place. When we got there and startin walkin up, all we see is these 2 guys bust out the side door rough-housing and pickin eachother up and shit like that and we're like, whaaat is goin on with these freaks. One of them's Shane, hahaha. He cut his hair! I didn't even recognize him cuz it's super short now. Then they all came outside and were all, we haven't seen you in a while, you look so good (well that was mostly Mike who was drunk and went about smellin P all night, haha). Then me and P were like, it's nice talkin to you guys but we hafta go pee now! and went in to use the bathroom. We played with Adam and Shane and and Shane did some IQ test which I immediately started to hate...Mike kept comin around with his ridiculousness (he was even touchin on the guys, haha). I love the boys :) And some other dudes hangin around whose names I didn't catch. And some other chicks whose table we stole :P

I dunno how we end up still there after hrs but we were, til about 2:30. Cuz we're ins, haha. And we know Scott...and we were with Shane, haha. And Mike was still smellin me and P ("You, stay, you smell SO, you might just hafta take me home and be my cab driver and then come inside..." LOL...last one was to a dude btw). I think it was was the hair, or the zipper in the ass of P's jeans haha, or her Amor Amor...iono. Ahhhh that was a whole lotta somethin about nuthin.


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