Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ahh! I got kinda sick! Boo. Just when I was sayin that it's surprising that I didn't catch anythin from G or L on the trip, it happens. I felt it comin on last night so I took some herbal syrup stuff and gargled with this sore throat rinse. Good thing I caught it when I did cuz I woulda been feelin so much nastier today. The weather's supposed to be bad tomorrow, bleh.

Sucked to have seen snow on the ground when we got back into T.O. on Mon :P The weather was pretty nice when we were in NYC, actually kinda warm that one day in the afternoon. Best of all, no snow. It was a bit cold sometimes but if that's the worst it gets, wow. I'm like, you think this is cold? Go to Canada! And thank goodness it was mild on New Yr's eve when we were outside...guess bein mashed up with a lotta other ppl helped too. Oh man, I was so pissed...I got my rag the night before we left!! Fuckers. Right when I'm goin on a trip. And what peeved me more was that it'd be gone when I came back. Just HAD to be those 4 days!

Well, I finally got a lot of sleep. Slept til 3 :P I caught up on 4 days worth of newspapers, haha. The power went out twice apparently today. The first time I didn't see but the microwave clock wasn't workin. Then about 6 or 7, everythin shut down and I was there sittin in the complete dark. I heard my brother go, what the? I'm like, I'm scared! Haha. Find me! I was like, aw crap...don't tell me this is gonna be a while and I'd hafta go find candles to light in the pure darkness. But the power came back on in a few mins. I dunno if it's this damn house or the neighbourhood power or what.

I just realized I don't have Thurs class anymore, yay. But I had to trade that for a Tues morning...dunno if that was a good deal :P


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