Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Who's ready for a big, long post? You are!

I actually got to class today somewhat on time...which is surprising cuz I left VERY late and yet still got there in about an hr...by the bus! Wow, TTC is steppin up.

So today's class kinda blew my mind. We were supposed to have done the readings for this week but I didn't realize this and thought the readings listed are for the week after so I didn't do them, let alone even have them :P But the discussion was about Benjamin's essay about mechanical reproduction and aura (and I realize nobody except those who have taken film class would have any idea what I'm talkin about but anyway) and I've read it before in 1st or 2nd yr so I remember it. The prof even used the word evanescent. As in one of my favourite bands...like who ever gets to use the word evanescence/evanescent? Fuckin sweet! Haha. I like the prof, he's pretty decent. He's the guy who did the intros to the filmmakers whenever we had The Independents classes last semester.

OK off topic. The discussion got me thinkin...challenged me to new thoughts and develop on questions. Good class today! Goin to school, you're supposed to learn and absorb knowledge, be enlightened and such but the primary goal is to come out with a degree that you can get a job with when you finish. Really, that's all employers care about, is that certificate that you say you have. Like in this society, it's not even a question of havin a post-secondary education, if you don't have a degree, forget it. So pretty much, that's the only reason why I'm in school. Cuz I know I can't get anywhere if I don't go to university. It's all pretty pointless to me but that's the way things are. Then again, I don't really know what I'd do with myself if I wasn't in school. It's like the only option when you graduate from hs. Damn, I'm so scared when I get out of school. I have no idea what I'm gonna do. This sounds familiar...I know I've ranted about this before.

A 4 hr class. Yeah. And this isn't the first one I've had. Even with stimulating subjects, I always find myself drifting off with the most random things. Mild A.D.D. I tell ya. Like today, I was starin at the back of this girl's head cuz she sits in my line of vision when the prof's talkin and I was just thinkin of how amazing her hair was, haha. *Thought bubble* I bet it's naturally like that...and it probably takes her like no time to do it in the morning. Damn her. And...*Wow, this pen writes REALLY good!* LOL What is wrong with me.

And while I'm on the topic of discussion in class...yikes, ppl just need to vocalize their thoughts, I think just to be heard. You know the type of ppl I'm talkin about. Someone, not even really relating to whatever the last person said but pretendin to use it as a springboard for their comments, goes on about this and this when it's clearly an attempt for the participation grade or showin how much else they know in terms of previous or outside knowledge. Holy, it's one thing to contribute but some ppl say enough to take up points for the entire class.

I have more to go on about :) Next week, the questions for the readings are due so we hafta do them. The syllabus said that the readings are also on reserve at the library, on his office door, and in the graduate reading room...yeah apparently not!

I went to the library first to get a book for G since she's solicitin MY school's material for her work, haha. I tried usin the self-serve station but the friggin barcode sticker was put on willy-nilly and didn't line up to the laser so it couldn't take it so I had to go in the long line-up. Then I went to the bookstore to get the book I needed for class. It wasn't there/wasn't in yet, whatever. The bookstore and the library aren't exactly next to eachother, it's a good walk between them. I go back to the library but the book wasn't in the stacks. I go downstairs and asked for it in reserves...apparently it's not in there either. Readings usually are, just as an option to poor, strugglin students who can't afford to buy the expensive texts and they can photocopy what they need. The only thing is you hafta share with the rest of the class so it can be inconvenient. If they're even there! I crossed the campus to the fine arts building to check his office door. If the readings were there, I'd hafta go back to the library and fill up my photocopyin card and make copies then bring the originals back to the door...but, nothing. There was some class or somethin in the reading room....agh! Back and forth all over the place! I was sweatin in my puffy jacket :P So I have no idea where the fuck I'm gonna get them except for buyin the damn book at Chapters or somethin.



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