Monday, January 10, 2005

Soooooo...Q's, haha. P was tryin to allow confrontations for herself so we went to Q's again but Ian wasn't there. She's tryin to get used to the different situation, cuz it was 'our place' and she doesn't want anythin to take that away from us, haha. As in, no longer hang out there due to the awkwardness that might occur if she sees him she doesn't want it to change where we go and who we chill with there.

We smoked in the car, had some good talks and went in. Sidebar, I think there is def angry angry tension between P and the chick who usually works there (plus that girl's friend), haha. I don't even know her name even tho we're around her a lot.

"That fuckin bitch."
"P, what did I say about thoughts out loud?"
"Oh yeah. Skanks."

But let's not get more into it than that. No one was there so boo. And by no one, I mean no Adam, Shane, or Ian :P We played a few games, some with Al. Then played cards with him. There was some drama with the Q's chick and her bf and some 'undesirables' I guess cuz they were arguin and havin serious serious talkin. Anyway, the boys were bound to show up sooner or later and make things more exciting so we went to get somethin to eat. Mike had shown up tho...he and Al were upset we were leavin so they made us promise to come back, haha. So we came back and yup, Adam and Shane were there. They work together and they're roommates, it's so cute :) We played a bit more, said bye to the boys, and jetted.

I think me and P are gonna have a Sex & the City marathon today cuz my sister has all the seasons on DVD. My god, I hafta wash my hair. It smells like smoke and it wasn't me! Yeah, the law is no smokin indoors but it doesn't stop at this can smoke and drink on the job if you wanted!


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