Sunday, January 16, 2005

This weekend went so fast...esp since it's still Sunday and I'm wastin it away. I just wanna sleep but I can't. I have a slight headache but I'm not hungover. And I'd do hw but I still don't have my book :P Tomorrow I'll do it. Friggin Chapters. Friggin school library.

Anyway, Fri night me and L hit the liquor store to get stuff for Sat and then brought it back to G's house. Heather, Sarah, and Clothes were there with their bfs so we met them. we went to Seven. They had Red Bull samples and the MC kept mentionin this every 10 mins and I was like, holy crap if he keeps stoppin the music like this, I'm gonna go down there and drink them all myself! The music was good but the reggae was gettin to be too much for G so we peaced outta there. Those were some crazy peeps in there tho. I lied and told this guy who was tryin to dance with me that I had a bf. He's like, yeah I coulda seen that. And then I lied about everybody else bein attached too cuz he asked about my friends :P Yeah, no.

We figured with the girls and their friends at G's, they woulda still been up at 4 but they were all sleepin when we got back. And I know we made SO MUCH noise comin in. It was dark. L stabbed me in the stomach with her fingers...and G in her neck...and I bit G's finger, hahaha...all accidentally of course. So we were laughin and this dude named Gary was apparently sleepin on the couch so I'm surprised he didn't wake up and tell us to shut up. He's John's (Clothes' bf...talks with a hype Aussie accent) friend and everybody met him just that day. He was totally cool about it the next morning tho cuz he was just like, you are some crazy ppl! Anyway, of course with boys there, there was not just one video game system but 2 so me and L played Xbox til about 5:30 am. Then she got sick of losin to me and we went up to bed. Or actually, the floor of G's room :P Then there was the thing about scarce bedding and me and L ended up sleepin next to eachother sharin blankets, haha.

The next morning everyone told us how loud we were and how they could hear us giggling. G had some bank appointment early so she jetted and we made breakfast (Gary likes to cook, what!) but she brought back Timmy's for us :) Yeah, me and L got no sleep. G and Gary went on to the supermarket to pick up some things...bahahaha! ;) The rest of us messed around on the computer and played Playstation for a while. I miss Vice City! John got me a buttload of sick weapons, haha. And you don't care so anyways.

We went to get movies and then I went home for a couple hrs to shower and change clothes and whatnot. Ppl were showin up at G's already but I wasn't ready to leave til 5 somethin. G and Pris came and we went on a food haul to pick up Chinese, pizza, and fried chicken. Damn, there was so much food at her house cuz Heather went to pick up stuff too.

And we partied. There were a lotta ppl I didn't know and would have no reason to know, mostly Heather's friends. We played cards...Al was teachin them to play poker, I woulda paid attention but I knew it was a lost cause cuz I just cannot learn new card games. It takes me so long to get it, if I ever do. I used to know how to play poker back in like grade 6, I dunno why or how, but I forgot. P made some unlikely new buddies and were playin some noisy ass game upstairs...on the landing :P We watched Anchorman! Funny movie :) And the rest I forget...but I know me and L were bein foolish. Liquor brings out the loud in me. Good times.

"My eye is poppin."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I'm crazy."

"I'm dizzy, I'm SO DIZZY!"
"Why are you dizzy?"
"I'm's what she says in the movie."
"Must you be so melodramatic??"


"She's makin porn upstairs! And gettin addicted to Sims!" LOL

John, Clothes, and Gary didn't sleep over last night so we could spread out ppl in the rooms more. Oh yeah, I accidentally klepto'ed Gary's watch for the entire day Sat while they were lookin for it all over at the house while I was at home and on the errands :P We were playin around with it and I left it on the whole time without realizin it wasn't mine. Oops. I said sorry a lot. So G slept in the master bedroom so me and L could use her bed. Everybody passed out but I was still up but eventually went to sleep too. I didn't get sick, woohoo!

We got up around noon so it wasn't bad. Had Pop Tarts :) Then it was home time. It's fun crashin at other ppl's cribs.


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