Friday, January 14, 2005

I should stop havin drinks with dinner...esp after eatin too much :P I take lil naps on couches and the floor and such when I do.

Me and L went to BP after pickin up Al on the way home from work. Our server was a nice guy ("Radio Man"...or Radioactive Man...and Phallic Boy, hahaha). And we did get to see the pepper mill ;)

So I'm not sure why but our bill came out to 50% cuz it said we got an employee discount. L was hesistant about payin what the total was cuz she pussies out like that. It's not like we said we were employees and lied or somethin. I just know that you don't question it, just be grateful! "Just pay it and GET IN THE CAR!!" LOL I guess the server guy was doin it on the dl and was just bein nice or somethin. Frickin sweet since I had a big thing of pasta, alcohol, and shared a piece of Rolo cake...for about $11 :)

Then we went to G's before she even got home from work, haha. L wanted to print out her resume cuz her comp crapped out and I don't have my printer/scanner anymore cuz my sister's bf has it. So me and Al helped L pretty up her resume while she did jack..."You're in HR, why aren't YOU doin this shit??" Haha. And we burned some more CDs.

Ohhhh G's party on Sat is gonna be sick.


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