Friday, January 21, 2005

I'm slightly out of it right now but I'm sure I can pull this off without makin a mistake. Me and L had the old 'what do you wanna do? I dunno, what do you wanna do' thing but she wanted to eat somethin so we went to Quizno's. We went a few days ago cuz she was a Quizno's virgin and now she's really into it. Understandably, cuz it's really good! If you've never tried it, you're MISSIN OUT!

Then since there's a pub behind Quizno's, we decided to try it out. It's not really new but we've always said we just wanted to check it out so might as well. It's pretty nice inside, it's 2 floors and it feels like a cozy bar room in your house if you're really rich and keen on alcohol. There were these 2 server girls just chillin cuz it wasn't that busy at that time so we were chattin and watchin The Apprentice on the tv :P It felt like you were just hangin out with your friends at someone's house. I like.

There was no skimpin on the alcohol, lemme tell ya. I dunno if it was the drink or the nachos or the combination of them, I can never tell what's at fault! But I have that ambiguous feeling of either needin to fall asleep/pass out/bein a bit sick, haha. What's it gonna be?

Drivin home, L stopped by McD's for a cone. Well she's got some skills cuz she can drive with one hand and hold an ice cream in the other. She's foolin around like she'd gonna drop it and she pretended like she was gonna splutz it on my boob and was all, wouldn't that be funny? And right then she loses her handle on it as if she was about to throw it out my window, hahahaha. It fell on my seat and would've landed on my thigh if I didn't move my leg fast enough but it got on her purse, bahaha! I woulda been mad at how close that was if I wasn't laughin so much.

Anyhoo...I did it. I finally called Larry back, haha. So Kim, Cat, and Fish and me are gonna go to Shmooze tomorrow night. Not even tomorrow night but early early evening cuz they wanna go 'after work' at 5:30 for drinks and to lounge with young, hopefully successful businessmen, haha. But Larry said he'd be there too so squash that one for me :P But it's OK, we'll see how the rest of the night goes cuz I'm not sure where we're goin afterwards.

And Sat my grandma and dad are leavin but she's goin for good so we're all stayin home for dinner and my sister said my dad wants to take a family picture. I think cuz it might be the last time we see Grandma esp since well, to put it honestly, you never know when she's 'gonna go'. Lovely.

But thennnn...Kim's friend Angela is throwin a bday thing for her friend at her condo and they sent out an email about how they're gonna surprise her with a stripper, haha! It's gonna be one of those classic situations of the party bein too noisy and a 'cop' comes by about it. I said I'd be down for it if the girls were goin. I just wanna see her face when it happens.


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