Saturday, January 22, 2005

WELL...I'm gonna throw up in a couple hrs, I just know it! For the love of me, I really really hope I don't. I'm all sobered up right now but internal organs are gonna backfire on me anytime now. See, I didn't do the moderation thing cuz...well you just can't if drinks are cheap and ppl keep buyin you rounds!

So we meet up with Fish at Shmooze and we were runnin a bit late so I thought maybe Larry was already there and waitin but he wasn't, he came after us so it was OK. So we all chilled and talked and drank and danced. Drinks for 3 of us was like $6. Ridiculous! Only til 9 tho but it's totally fine since we were there since 6 and went on for 4 hrs. Yeah, I was drunk before 8!

OMG I obviously didn't know but Shmooze has a kind of unisex, there's separate areas where the men and women go but they share the sink area. I've been to a clubs with unisex bathrooms, that's not new but they had a 2-way mirror!! The ppl at the sinks see their reflection but on the other side, it's the girls' toilets! I walked into the stall and I was like WTF?? I see ppl right there. It was really weird. Like, you don't know it but behind this wall, there's a girl doin her business and is half naked and lookin at you right now while you're fixin your hair. Not only can you watch ppl while they don't know it but it fools you too. Well me anyway. For a second, I coulda sworn this guy was starin straight at me while I was in the can then I remembered it was a mirror. Bizarre.

So everybody loves Larry off cuz he's thoughtful and has manners and is funny and easy to talk with and even bought us all a round. But...I'm just not diggin him like that. He's such a nice guy and treats my friends so well and he's one of those rare finds but still. I don't know what's wrong with me. FUCK. Maybe I'm just a bitch. Now I'll hafta do the whole 'let's not' thing again. I really would like to keep him as a friend tho...but I know for certain that he's not gonna take it just like that.

Anyway, so after Shmooze we headed off for the Maddy. Larry came with us and with all the girls in the car, he was gettin shifty like we were gonna drive him somewhere secluded and rob and possibly kill him, haha.

Some of Cat's old coworkers (and the dude she's diggin!) were there so we chilled and talked with them. Well, we had gotten McD's cuz we realized we didn't eat dinner and were hungry so while me, Fish, and Kim were finishin off our food, Cat and Larry went inside :P So apparently in that 5 mins, Larry had made buddies with just about half the crowd in the bar! But he said he's been there a lot so. We played pool and then we doubled up for teams and evvvvvvvverybody wanted to play us, haha. Like, ppl were linin up to play the next game. Superstars! I made buddies outta all these ppl who were watchin. Good crowd.

Then me and Fish jetted cuz she just wanted to go home after a long day of school and straight partyin and I went with so she wouldn't drive back alone cuz Cat and Kim were stayin for their boys. Plus our feet were hurtin like whoa. I knew those bitch boots were gonna do me in. That's why I never wear anythin with a heel or even a slight slant :P Seriously, me and her couldn't walk without pain. Oh to look good.

Crazy night. I'm sure I'll comment more about the Larry thing cuz there is more I can comment about :P


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