Monday, January 24, 2005

Well Sat morning wasn't a pukey disaster so I'm very glad about that. Sat night didn't even happen cuz we got a blizzard and the snow just kept on comin. The chick's condo is downtown and Kim didn't wanna drive in that craziness cuz she "didn't want to die today". She tried to wait it out but it wasn't lettin up and whenever the plows cleared the highway, it just got more on it. So the party was out. She said that some of the other ppl weren't goin either so that musta sucked for the bday girl. Coulda had a stripper but it never went down, haha.

It's pretty shitty for the weather to ruin your plans. L didn't hafta go into work cuz it was absolutely dead so she coulda came to the party too but boo, wasn't meant to be. Cat and Kim stayed in so me and L wanted to rent a movie. Then we called G and basically told her we were comin over and we didn't wanna hear about it, haha. We went to Rogers but once we got to the house, G wanted to get food and a coffee (and Sarah whined for video games) so we headed out to McD's, Blockbuster, Shopper's, and Timmy's. Yeah, they don't get fed much since they're on their own, haha. We got Cellular, which was pretty decent. Then we played some Need for Speed. I'm pretty good if I do say so myself, esp since I was havin some vodka & Pepsi. Now why can't I be the best driver on the actual roads? Haha. Real life, not video games. Never drink and drive, kids.

My dad and grandma actually headed out earlier so the dinner thing didn't happen either. My dad had left like 10 mins til they were leavin to pack his stuff. So it was all chaos and the driver had arrived and there was yellin and rushin rushin so we didn't even get to hug Grandma or even say bye. Geez.

I vacuumed, did laundry, shovelled the freakin driveway, did some school business. Wow this weekend went downhill, didn't it? :P You know how some ppl can just use 10 mins to ruin your day...just a few moments of talkin to the wrong person can put you in a bad mood.

Mon should be LOTS of fun. Except not.


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