Tuesday, February 01, 2005

It's a foul mood day. There's also the fact that I'm raggedy today so the both of those combined makes it just a pleasant coincidence. I swear, when I'm raggedy and things aren't goin so well anyway, it's just the universe's way of testing me. TESTING MEEEEEE!!

Figures the deadline for the grad apps was extended too. Of course. The due date for the short essay that was supposed to be for next week was also extended cuz the prof got the topics and sources to us late. But that's a good extension. I was gonna slave the weekend away doin it but I guess that'll wait til after Reading Week.

So yesterday I had 2 of the 3 readings done and I just felt like I had to watch some Sex & the City with the girls. First P came over and wanted to hit Q's for a bit since "we haven't been in 2 weeks" so that was reason enough right. We only saw Mike and Georgio or whatever his name is...I just call him youngin or that hs cutie. Then we got L and went to Al's. Since I have no fuckin printer and I didn't do the last reading, I didn't get to the questions. Yeah, did that in class and handed it in on lined paper handwritten :P A buncha admin stuff...tryin but failin to get the readings photocopied, goin in to the prof's office (I was goin to hand in my questions and he's like, come in I wanna talk to you anyway--about me bein quiet and thus not participating....god don't get me started), pickin up a copy of my IS form. School was a bit too much for me today.


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