Sunday, January 30, 2005

We ended up at Oxygen last night. It was fun and it was some crazy times but it was the wrong crowd for the kinda business I was lookin for, haha.

"G...I think we're bein surrounded..."

LOL If all 4 of us were together, we'd be boxed in...if a pair of us got left alone, they'd start comin in like vultures. Upsetting...yet pretty funny.

P spat a sip of her drink at one guy while his back was turned, like fountain-style. That girl has no fear. Loves it.

I didn't get to bed til about 5. I feel kinda yuck after clubbin. Even tho we have that no smokin law now, we always come home smellin like smoke anyway. Somebody manages to slip a cig in here and there I guess. So I have a smoke and general 'club funk' smell and plus I've been sweatin from all that dancin. I don't mean to sound gross but after gettin down for a couple hrs straight, you're gonna sweat. I'm not pourin buckets and I dry off by the time we get to the car but still. You know that feelin after you've sweated but you didn't get to shower? But I showered before we went out of course :P

So today it was more drivin around for the bro's classes, pickin up some stupid chips my sister was bitchin for, doin some readings, workin out a bit. Somewhat productive for a do-nothing day.


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