Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My day started out fantastically. First off, I was undeniably late in gettin goin this morning and thus, the powers that be situate themselves accordingly and make the weather terrible, the buses extremely slow, and the ppl on the bus annoying. I stepped in a puddle walkin to the bus stop, except that it was a small lake. I thought I could get around it by goin on the snow but it was just snow coverin slush hidin the water underneath. I got it up to over my ankles. Oh and I didn't step in it just once but about 5 times cuz it was a big thing to go around and I had no choice but to hot-step it thru. My shoes, socks, and jeans were soaked. And the day had just begun. I had to ride the bus for an hr and a half before I could even think about goin to the bathroom at school to dry myself. Since I was already late, I wasn't gonna sit and suffer in wet socks. Yes, I took my socks off and dried them under the hand dryer. DOESN'T LOOK WEIRD AT ALL.

And the resta the day just went downhill from there. Well it wasn't actually that bad but nothing good happened. I didn't get all the readings done, I came in during a presentation, I was sleepy all thru the class...all meaning that I didn't participate after all. I know the prof was lookin at me, he made it a point that the undergrads weren't sayin much and that he was givin them a chance to say somethin. DAMN it. I didn't even care about photocopyin the next readings, I just wanted outta there. Besides, it's Reading Week next week so whatev. Too bad the essay's due then.

There's so much stuff comin up...Valentine's Day (not a big deal in the romantic bf/gf sense but us single girls just go out and have fun with it...like hit a club and find some mens, hooch hooch!), Reading Week, the Auto Show, Sex & the City night, got a dentist appointment, the Keane concert that's happenin this weekend.

Monay, monay, monay, monay, monay! Mo-NAY!


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