Monday, February 07, 2005

Awww Philly. I knew they were probably gonna lose but still, gotta root for the underdog. It gets boring if the same team keeps winnin. At least it was close. New England had a pretty good defense tho. I might not know all there is to know about football, like every rule and play but I know what's good and what's bad :P I even wore my old grade school jersey to L's party cuz it's dark green and white. I wore it for basketball but it's a mesh shirt more than a shiny tank top so it's OK. What's a bit unsettling is that I can still wear it. The same shirt from when I was 13 still fits, haha. Whatever, it was kinda big and it still is...just loose. Girls aren't supposed to grow THAT much, right? :S

Anyway, that was the most boring halftime show ever. Paul McCartney? I'm sorry, I know he was a Beatle but come on. I can't believe I missed last yr's and I caught this one. Man, they musta been scared shitless about what could possibly happen after the whole Janet thing so they put it on SAFE SAFE SAFE. Talk about extremes. And really, the jokes about wardrobe malfunctions after a yr are played out. Good game tho.

I brought over my popcorn machine and L and Vick were just fascinated by it for some reason. L owns the biggest bowl I have ever seen in my life, the popcorn made for a crowd fit just fine. You could carry 2 babies in it. We had pizza and wings and chips and drinks and I think I gave myself a stomach ache :P

Blah...back to Mon. Gotta go to the library for the readings cuz I 'promised' the prof I'd participate in the next class so I should know what the hell I'm talkin about.


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