Saturday, July 02, 2005

Just when I was gettin over the muscle pains and that mother of a bruise, I got friggin sunburned yesterday!! Ugh, I'm so upset. Mostly cuz it HURTS but also cuz this tends to happen every yr even tho I'm cautious about it 90% of the time and don't go outside/put on sunblock. I was in the sun for like 10 mins. Fuck! It's all over my arms and my face. The worst of it is on my right shoulder. I was wearin a sleeveless T (well, with lil cap sleeves) and when the redness fades, it'll leave a bad tan line that you can see when I wear a tank top. And there's a stupid lil triangle in the middle of my chest cuz of the V-slit in the neck of the shirt. I'm really lookin forward when it all starts to peel, mmmm.

Besides that bitchass part, Thurs and Fri were fun times. Thurs we hit Tonic and it was outta control ridiculous. For all the pushy ppl, the nasty guys, and the sweat-ers, I still laughed my ass off. A guy named Jon insisted on buyin me a drink. Of course I took it, he was gonna scold me for not havin a good time...or whatever he said. He said he was from England (another one!) and just wanted to make new friends and have fun. That's cool. He even said let's be acquaintances before we become friends. I'm thinkin, wow that's refreshing. Ha, bullshit! He turned on all that :P You can tell when they say one thing and mean another down the road and I was gettin those vibes. Cuz you don't talk about goin out "sometime", just the two of you "maybe to dinner" if you just wanna hang out or shit. He wrote his number on a napkin but I chucked it at the end of the night. I'm sorry, I'd call him if he actually meant the friends thing but I'm not about to go thru another one of those situations (Larry, Jay).

But we made nice small talk and danced tho...then he was monopolyzing me and we just couldn't have that, haha. You're not my bf or my date so I should feel free to dance with other ppl without askin for permission or tellin you when I'd be back. Us girls went to the bathroom and came back to the floor on the other side. We had to lose him a couple times, haha.

We came across a bunch of characters. It was ji-larious. I guess it's the unpleasant experiences that make you laugh the most!

But this guy, OMG this fucker...I'm dancin and mindin my business when I feel fingers from both hands grab/jiggle my butt in the most pervy, molesting way. I turn and I see 2 guys walkin past. I had no idea which one of them did it and I didn't wanna punch the wrong one so I yelled, "WTF, bitch!!" He's walkin away and gives me the finger. He gives me the finger! What?? So I just put up both MY middle fingers and I think he so geniously did the same back but I already started to turn away cuz I didn't wanna waste any more of my time lookin at his ugly mug. Touchin my ass...what is this, a candy store? Unbelievable.

Anyway, I still had fun. I esp enjoyed the fact that the night cost a total of a dollar for me, haha. No cover, no payin for drinks, no coatcheck, just $5 parking divided by the 3 of us :) Well, except for the 3 am McD's we had.

Then the next day for the bbq, I was up for noon to get over to G's house with L to help out. I'd do somethin like cook but bbqs scare me. Like the actual bbq...the fire and the smoke and propane...I always think I'll get burned or it'll explode. Then Fish, Shaun, Al, Clothes (her and John had a fight so he wasn't there), Justin, Cher, and Sarah's friends came over. We ate SO much. And G, in class annual bbq fashion, burned food again, haha. We had to perform some surgery on the blackened chicken. We drank, had laughs, stayed out on the patio talkin (WHY didn't I go inside??). Then we chilled in the house and burned picture CDs. Al napped upstairs and we had our first try at settin up a tent in the backyard :P We got help from former Boy Scout Justin and camping-experienced Cher so we did pretty good but we'll see how that goes when we're on our own next week!

Everybody left full and tired ('itis!). I was gonna go to Mario's house party with P after but I was all burned and blah and smellin like bbq smoke so that was out.

Not too sure how I'm gonna go out tonight with this pain on my skin and my red nose and shoulders, but I will! Happy bday to you, Canada! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2005

P came over the other day after takin a taxi to my place after bein with Mario (guy she's dating/the bf, whatev). The girl brought weed for me, haha! It was from Mario who spotted me a j and even rolled it for me. I haven't met him yet but from that and what P tells me about him, I like him already :D He was even askin if I wanted

So the whole Darien situation is still crazy. I keep updated on it but I'm not directly in the mix. It's like the most complicated thing I've ever heard. But me and Al are tryin to keep it mellow with him and so he's been instructed to be a good boy for the time being!

Anyway, on the up...we're goin clubbin somewhere tonight and it's our Canada Day bbq tomorrow :) We may or may not meet Mario and there may or may not be a house party, who knows.

But the next 3 weeks or so should be insane and I like it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I feel like an old woman cuz everythin I do hurts me :P My quads are killin from crouchin for like 2 hrs so goin up and down the stairs is an event and my arms hurt cuz the gun was heavy. Paintball is a painful game, haha.

My welt has gone down tho. It still hurts but you can't really see it anymore, I think it'll just be a light bruise.

Me, L, and P met up with Al at Timmy's yesterday to see how the talk with Pris about the Darien (they're cousins, just to remind...well, him and Pris' dad are cousins) situation went. I think it's all good now as long as he chills out. The original plan was that they'd be in Montreal for the Canada Day weekend, then to BC with his family who are visitin right now for a couple weeks, then he'd be on his own livin with Pris' family again til Oct, then back to England so he can get the papers to legally live in Canada the next yr.

Al had a long day so she bounced after that so we hit BP again for wings and nachos and their "house ice tea", hahaha. "Is that like house wine?" "You mean the normal ice tea?" "Oh, like Long Island iced tea??" Oh P, she makes me laugh. She's the kind of friend who says it like it is and does whatever everyone else is scared to do. We had the coolest server girl so we were talkin and jokin with her and basically givin her trouble cuz that's just P (ie. that time when she made the Jackass bartender make her like 3 diff drinks and wasted liquor and even got him on the phone with someone at another Jackass to make it right...but she tipped him $10 so she's good like that). The girl, Amanda, was really sweet and was all, you guys are funny.

So when you get the bill, the server usually just writes a "Thanks!" or a smiley face or somethin on it. P asks us for a pen and we're like, what're you doin, writin her a letter back? "Dear Amanda...*scribble scribble* Hugs, kisses!" LOL So she writes a lil note sayin thanks or whatever and ends it with "from Da Girlz". She's like, I hope she doesn't think we're tryin to hit on her, haha. Amanda's cleanin up some other tables and she's like, oh thanks for the note! You guys are so cute!

My dad decided to paint a couple rooms while I was out. Yeah, decided to do mine and moved all my shit around and knocked over just about everythin. So I have all this stuff I hafta pick up and move and put back in place. He also got white paint all over my black hat. Paint. ALL OVER. My hat. Then I had to sleep in my room with paint fumes :P Well I had the door open and it was mostly dry at that time. I would've slept downstairs but I knew somebody would wake me up goin about their loud business in the morning, cuz there's no doors on the rooms except for my brother's room, the bathroom, and the original 'laundry room' that leads out to the garage.

See, I'm not the one messin up my room. Time to go clean it up.

Monday, June 27, 2005

It hurts so bad! I got shot! Which wasn't unexpected but still! Some bastard got me. I escaped relatively unscatched the last time but yesterday I left with a nice paintball-shaped welt on my...I don't even know how to describe where I got front of the right shoulder, the fleshy part near the ARMPIT. What the hell kinda place is that to get shot? Not only was it painful but couldn't it have been in a more glamourous 'look at where I got my war wound' place or somewhere that it'd be funny when you tell the story, like the ass? What's even more is that 1)I have no idea who shot me cuz everyone looks the same in there and it's kinda dark and we're all partly hidin from eachother (tho I'm sure it was one of those pro-star boys who work there and have hardcore equipment and skills and experience even tho they're like 14 yrs old), and 2)I realized that the paintball didn't even burst so that shot technically didn't even count yet hurt like a mofo...AND I wasn't even supposed to be out that round. From the pain that it caused, I was sure it had burst so I automatically called myself hit and left the field only to realize later that it actually didn't and I still woulda been in the game. Tho after that one, why would I stay for more of those hell pellets. At first, for a split second, I couldn't believe I got hit, then I felt the burnin sting and I went "AUGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Then I walked off not believin where I got shot but I guess it woulda been worse if I hadn't been wearin a baggy shirt cuz I think it hit a fold of cloth. Dude must've had fuckin sniper crosshairs on his gun.

So the day began with all of us meetin up at the McDonald's and this in itself was a task cuz there was a whole crew of Clothes' friends who had to get their asses there and pretty much everybody besides our car were takin their sweet time. It was hot outside so we went inside and ate and waited and chilled. The McD's ppl probably thought we were lame cuz it looked like we had nothing better to do than to hang around a McDonald's on a Sunday dressed in nappy clothes.

We all trekked down to Sgt Splatter's with our car supposedly leadin everybody and we were lookin behind us and worryin that we didn't see Al or the other ppl's cars the whole time, only to see that they all got there before us, wtf.

Then we waited even more for the rest of their friends to come. Then we didn't have 25 ppl so we weren't gettin a group discount. Then we found out that we'd be playin with other ppl (like professionals) instead of a private game like we thought.

Anyway, I played about 4 rounds. Some ppl just stopped playin cuz they ran outta paintballs or cuz it was just SO DAMN HOT in there. Imagine a summer evening, havin no a/c in there, havin to play this freaky nerve-wracking game where you hunt ppl down and they are huntin you with guns, in dim light, wearin hoodies and sweatshirts and coveralls. It gets pretty real in there, it feels like you're actually in war or somethin and you're breathin hard and sweatin. Everybody came out after each round drippin wet :P "Wow Pris, what happened to your shirt....oh is that sweat?" "Yes it is. Thank you!" Hahaha, cuz I said it in front of everyone. I had old jeans, a baggy sweatshirt, and a tank top underneath. I don't think I've ever felt so hot in my life. I must've sweated off 3 pounds. My mask kept foggin up but I couldn't take it off cuz of safety rules.

We didn't get G as much as we wanted, haha. But I got mine alright. Fuckin guy, whoever it was who popped me. It had to be one of those guys cuz it was no lucky shot the way I was standin, I had just the smallest part of my right side in the window and that's when I got hit. He was watchin me, I know it :P

I know I sound like the biggest geek right now but I'm gonna go on about the last round anyway cuz that was the best part. L and G and most of them were done for the day but me and Al played another one. This game was the 2nd of Raid and Conquer or whatever it's called where 1 team guards the building and the other tries to take them out and take it over, and this time we switched sides. Me and Al are pretty much the only girls left playin and so we stick together. The guy who ran the rules session (the guys who work there also act as refs and sometimes play in the games too) was walkin around reffing and talkin to us while me and Al were hunkered down behind a building. He kept tellin us to go for it and callin us the Lady Strikeforce, haha. He told us to press forward and I'm like, hell no. We're supposed to be all about the offense but I didn't wanna be closer if I didn't have to be, haha. Then I was like, OK fine, might as well just run it and not think about it. So the guy was stickin with us and said there was 3 mins of play left and to storm the building cuz no one had seen/shot us yet. Al was all for it cuz she's kamikaze/cop in trainin like that, haha but I'm like, about you tell us when it's 1 min and then we'll go? :P Then you'll have a min to run in there and shoot them all up and then the time will run out before they'll get to shoot back, haha. Seems reasonable to me. He's like, no if you're gonna go, now's the time to do it. I was the skittish one holdin Al back, haha...

"OK we're gonna run up there in 3, k?"
"No way, no way!
"Come on, let's do it...ready?"
"Wait wait wait, run all the way up?"
"Yeah, ready? 1...2...3..."
"OK but you're goin first!"
"Awww fuuuuck!"

So we crept up the stairs and we knew there'd probably be someone around the corner and they probably heard our paintballs loudly rollin around in the hopper (aka the container that holds them that feeds into the gun, go me) as we ran. Sure enough, we went all 'freeze!' styles at the guy squattin behind the wall as we came up. But you're supposed to do the mercy rule--if the person doesn't hear or see you comin and you get within 5(?) feet of them, you can let them call mercy and they leave or they can get 3 seconds to turn and run and you get to shoot them. If you're smart, you'd call mercy cuz good luck with gettin away, you'll just get a paintball in the ass. So me and Al and this guy are all demandin mercy cuz we're like, we said it first and he's like, you hafta call mercy! I said it first! So it was this tense standoff where I just didn't want to get shot and I'm so scared he's gonna pop me any second from a foot away. There's no ref right then and there and ppl don't necessarily play by the rules and blast away anyway so I'm just like, how about we just don't shoot anybody!! I was so on edge, haha. Then some dude from our team comes runnin in outta nowhere and starts shootin like nobody's business at the guy and the guy's all, WTF WTF! and starts shootin too. Me and Al are right in the crossfire so we're all, WTF WTF! Everybody stop shooting!! It's all screamin and yellin and the POW! POW! POW! of the guns. I dunno how I didn't get shot. I was expecting, waiting, to get it good. Whatever, those guys took eachother out and me and Al continued, haha. The ref had come up too and he had a gun so he joined our Lady team. We went thru to the other room like cops on a drug raid and came upon Pris who wasted no time callin mercy and leavin, haha. I thought the game was won after you got into the building...geez, you gotta take out everybody too. Al got 2 more ppl on mercy, I was just followin and stayed in the middle with the ref behind me, haha. We came to the last room and the last person left. The staircase down was in the direct way of the door so we had to take it at the side. Al was crouchin at waist-level, I was squattin at the bottom, the ref was behind me beside the stairs but in full view of the door and another guy from our team took up the back, standin in view of the door too but at the other end of the room. We yelled, "There's 4 of us here, you better call mercy and give up!!" No reply. "We've got 4 ppl, you got nowhere to go, call mercy!" Then he starts firing back! We all go for cover and we're like, ohhhh! He's not goin down without a fight! It was just jokes cuz this superstar wasn't gonna give up and wasn't sayin anythin but lettin the ammo fly. The ref was like, he's shootin outta the hole in the wall. Me and Al are right by the door and do the same thing as before...

"OK we're gonna go in on 3..."
"OK, you take the top, I'll take the bottom and get 'em in the legs and that guy in the back will cover, haha."
"No I'm takin the bottom."
"Uh uh, you're takin the top, I'm takin the bottom!"

Just then the ref gets a straight shot to the hand. So that got rid of him! I don't understand how he didn't cry, haha. He's like, ah! Nice shot! So it just ended up a standoff cuz time ran out. We wait for the guy to come out and it's Kenny, Pris' little brother! Haha. He goes on to tell us how he was stuck behind the wall with nowhere to go and he's like panicking, waitin for one of us to come around the corner...while the 4 of us couldn't even take him, haha. The kid was the lone survivor when the rest of his team was just like, frig this!

So much fun. We met Darien's sister. What a cute family. And obviously she's got that awesome English accent too. We all got changed and cleaned the paint off our skin. I did get shot in the helmet right on the face but I didn't feel it. I saw the yellow paint drip down on my goggles but I cheated and just wiped it off and kept playin, haha. I came out at the end with shells behind my ear, dirt on my knees, nasty paint-y sand caked on my shoes, and greasy orange paint all in my ponytail.

Of course then L wanted to go out for drinks or whatever. Everybody jetted and G wasn't goin so we went in Al's car and she had to use a sheet in the back for me :P We went to BP and talked about the Darien drama. It'd take about half an hr in words to cover the whole thing so I'll just say that somethin's goin on with the family and miscommunication and rebellion and overemotion and blah blah blah. It was just a tense situation cuz he was tellin the gist of it in the parkin lot but I got the down low from Al cuz she's in the mix too. He was sayin that he was gonna move back to England or get his own place like he was goin to anyway but under ill vibes. And just the other day I was like, wow I haven't been out with Darien in like a week. If he moved back to England for good instead of comin back to eventually immigrate here as planned, I'd miss him :(

Anyway, I think I made this long enough so that's it!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Yeah I jinxed it. Shows me not to say or write about anythin til it actually happens. Still, I don't let that get me down. I dunno where it was we went but it was an interesting time. That was...some Sat night!

Riddle me this...when is anythin you eat calorie-free, fat-free, carb-free? When you hit the liquor. Think about it.

Make that, when I hit the liquor. Not a pleasant experience but one that at least comes out with a positive :P

I just cleaned out the freezer (scrapin off the stupid ice and everythin) and got the bottom of my shirt all wet. You envy my Sundays. You do, cuz I'm goin paintballin today. Heather and Clothes recruited all their lil friends so we've got a group of 25 or somethin. I don't know any of them but I will be meetin Darien's sister. And I'll be shootin anybody I don't recognize :)

I should go get ready...paddin up and stuff. Oh please don't let me get hit! Hopefully I'll come back with stories about not how I got shot but how many times we've socked it to G, haha.